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『英文書』Face to Face with Frogs (National Geographic Kid) 美国国家地理面对面丛书:与青蛙面对面 ISBN9781426306266

書城自編碼: 2027777
作者: Mark
國際書號(ISBN): 9781426306266
出版社: Random House
出版日期: 2010-03-01
版次: 1 印次: 1
頁數/字數: 31/
書度/開本: 12开 釘裝: 平装

售價:HK$ 105.4



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Mark Moffett finds frogs. And when he finds frogs, he finds
adventure. He describes a close encounter with the deadliest of all
the poison dart frogs in Colombia, South America. One accidental
brush up against the frog could mean death. ''I had to lie on the
ground with my camera only two inches away from the terribilis frog
to take her picture. Compared to most frogs, she was curious,
showing little fear. If you are deadly, you don''t have much to be
frightened of. Sometimes she hopped toward me, but I couldn''t allow
her to touch my skin. It was strange to be scared of such a pretty
frog''. In the wide world of frogs, some are fearsome and some are
friendly. Mark Moffett knows them all. Frogs are amphibians who
must spend much of their lives in water. So how can some frogs
survive in the desert? Frogs hatch from eggs as tadpoles. How do
they grow into full-fledged frogs? From metamorphosis to diet, from
habitat to distinctive features, Mark Moffett offers this exciting
and informative glimpse into the world of frogs. The breadth of the
diversity is astonishing. As with each Face to Face book, helpful
and accessible back matter, especially designed for report writers,
includes a facts-at-a-glance section, a conservation feature, a
science inquiry exercise, a glossary, an index, and how to find out
Mark Moffett is an ecologist, a photographer, an author, but
above all, an adventurer. He''s not just an expert on the rain
forest canopy; he was also the first to climb the world''s tallest
tree. He didn''t just stroll to the stage at the Explorer''s Club to
accept the prestigious 2006 Lowell Thomas Medal for Exploration--he
descended by rope from the 80-foot ceiling. Known as Doctor Bugs,
Mark has photographed, studied, and investigated ants, spiders, and



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