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『英文書』Face to Face with Cheetahs (National Geographic Kid) 美国国家地理面对面丛书:与猎豹面对面 ISBN9781426303234

書城自編碼: 2027779
作者: Chris
國際書號(ISBN): 9781426303234
出版社: Random House
出版日期: 2008-10-01
版次: 1 印次: 1

書度/開本: 12开 釘裝: 精装

售價:HK$ 248.2


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Join Chris Johns on a journey to Africa and the Okavango Delta
in Botswana as he tracks a hungry cheetah mother and her five cubs.
As the fastest land animal, cheetahs can go from 0 to 50 mph in
less than three seconds. They rely on their speed to overcome their
prey, and to survive. Johns takes you on the hunt - as the cheetah
hunts for prey and as he tracks the elusive cheetah. Soon the
cheetah family allows him to get close to them, and the
face-to-face encounter that ensues is one of the most profound
moments of his life. And you get to experience it with him. But
Johns also accepts the responsibilty that comes with the privilege
of this encounter: trying to save these endangered creatures and
protect their habitat, which is severely threatened. Learn about
cheetahs race for survival. Where once there were some 100,000
cheetahs in 44 countries, today there are between 12,000 and 15,000
cheetahs left, in only about 24-26 countries.
Chris Johns was named editor in chief of NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC
in January 2005. He is the ninth editor of the magazine since its
founding in 1888. Johns joined the magazine staff in 1995. As a
photographer, he produced more than 20 articles for NATIONAL
GEOGRAPHIC, eight of which were cover stories. He was named one of
the world''s 25 most important photographers by American Photo
magazine in 2003. Elzabeth Carney is an award-winning writer for
Scholastic magazine''s SuperScience.



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