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『英文書』Face to Face with Elephants (National Geographic Kid) 美国国家地理面对面丛书:与大象面对面 ISBN9781426303258

書城自編碼: 2027780
作者: Dereck
國際書號(ISBN): 9781426303258
出版社: Random House
出版日期: 2008-10-01
版次: 1 印次: 1
頁數/字數: 31/
書度/開本: 大16开 釘裝: 精装

售價:HK$ 248.2


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Derek and Beverly Joubert take you deep into the heart of
Africa as they come face to face with the fascinating world of
elephants. The Jouberts have spent the last 25 years living in the
bush. They''ve gotten up close and personal with elephants of all
sizes, seen their complex social structure of family and friends,
and witnessed first-hand the deep emotions they possess.You''ll find
out that elephants can be compassionate - adopting the lost
elephant baby separated from its family. You''ll also laugh as the
elephants'' curiousity and playfulness sometimes takes them too far
- as when the elephant sticks its trunk in their Land Rover, nosing
around for some water. You''ll learn about the many threats the
elephants face. The Joubert have also seen them under attack - both
by their natural enemy, the lion, and by mankind, as they continue
to be hunted and driven to smaller parcels of land by loss of
habitat. As with each Face to Face book, helpful and accessible
back matter, especially designed for report writers, includes a
facts-at-a-glance section, a conservation feature, a science
inquiry exercise, a glossary, an index, and how to find out
Dereck Joubert is a published author of children''s books. Some
of the published credits of Dereck Joubert include Face to Face
With Elephants Face to Face with Animals, Face to Face with Lions
Face to Face with Animals.



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