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『英文書』I WISH I`D BEEN THERE, BK TWO(ISBN=9780307277640)

書城自編碼: 2224080
作者: Byron Hollinshead 著
國際書號(ISBN): 9780307277640
出版社: Random House
出版日期: 2009-06-01
版次: 1 印次: 1
頁數/字數: 318/
書度/開本: 32开 釘裝: 平装

售價:HK$ 221.0



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“What is the scene or incident in European history that you
would like to have witnessed-and why?”
In this companion to I Wish I''d Been There: Twenty Historians
Bring to Life the Dramatic Events that Changed America, some of
our finest historical writers now turn their attention to Europe,
with lively and detailed accounts of some of the most dramatic
events in history. Guided by peerless scholars such as Paul
Kennedy, John Keegan, Ross King, Freeman Dyson, and Katherine
Duncan-Jones, readers will be transported to the signing of Magna
Carta, the Versailles Conference, the German surrender in WWII on
Luneburg Heath, and other key turning points in the drama of
European history. These essays encompass two millenia and an entire
continent, addressing issues of politics, law, religion, peace and
war, science and the arts, and social change, all telescoped into
finely observed narratives. The result is an historical pageant of
characters and episodes that will attract and delight all readers
of history.
Byron Hollinshead is president of American Historical
Publications, a producer of books in history for adults and for
children. Previously, he was president of American Heritage
Publishing Company and Oxford University Press, Inc. He was
publisher of MHQ: The Quarterly Journal of Military History
and Time Machine: American History for Kids, and edited I
Wish I''d Been There, which Anchor published in 2007.
Theodore K. Rabb is a professor of history emeritus at Princeton
University. He is the author of The Struggle for Stability in
Early Modern Europe and The Last Days of the
Renaissance, among other books. Rabb was the principal
historical adviser and commentator for the Emmy-nominated PBS
series Renaissance and wrote the series''s companion book,
Renaissance Lives.
List of Illustrations
Introduction by Byron Hollinshead and Theodore K. Rabb
Josiah Ober · At the Deathbed of Alexander the
Tom Holland · Hannibal Crosses the Alps
Theodore K. Rabb · Christmas Day in the Year
John Julius Norwich · Venice, July 24, 1177
Katherine Fischer Drew · Magna Carta and the King’s
Barbara A. Hanawalt · Rebel Leader Confronts King at
Smithfield in 1381
Lauro Martines · Ten Thousand Brutes in Renaissance
Geoffrey Parker · August 9, 1588: The Spanish Armada
almost Surrenders
Katherine Duncan-Jones · The Globe Theatre, February 7,
John H. Elliott · With the Prince of Wales in Madrid,
Mordechai Feingold · By Fits and Starts: The Making of
Isaac Newton’s Principia
Ellen T. Harris · Handel Is Fired
William McNeill · Frederick the Great and the Propagation
of Potatoes
Paul Kennedy · The Battle of the Nile
Ross King · The “Uncouth Riddle” of ?douard Manet: Le
Déjeuner sur l’herbe at the 1863 Salon des Refusés
Richard Pipes · Nicholas II Signs the October
Margaret MacMillan · Tunnels, Territory, and Broken
Promises: France Betrayed by the Anglo-Saxons?
Charles A. Riley II · Backstage at the Ballets Russes
with Picasso
Freeman Dyson · Exorcising Aristotle’s Ghost
John Keegan · The German Surrender to Montgomery at
Lüneburg Heath, May 1945
Illustration Credits



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