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『英文書』Germs Make Me Sick! (Let's Read and Find Out) 自然科学启蒙2:细菌让我们生病!ISBN9780064451543

書城自編碼: 2416243
作者: Melvin Berger [梅尔文·伯杰] 著,Maryl
國際書號(ISBN): 9780064451543
出版社: HarperCollins
出版日期: 1995-08-01
版次: 1 印次: 1
頁數/字數: 32/
書度/開本: 16开 釘裝: 平装

售價:HK$ 87.6



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This easy-to-read revision of a 1985 title effectively
describes the differences between bacteria and viruses and gives
other related germy facts. The science is related in simple
language and the author uses specific examples that youngsters will
readily understand. He explains how germs sometimes "slip in" the
body despite defense mechanisms such as skin, nose, and throat.
"Your friend has a cold. She sneezes. Germs fly out. You breathe
the air. Some of her germs may get into your lungs
With Marilyn Hefner''s new full color illustrations, bacteria
and viruses have never looked so good! As packed with wit and good
humor as with charts and diagrams, this book is still the best
explanation of how your body fights germs. ''An introduction to
bacteria and viruses and how each of the two forms attacks cells
and makes a person feel sick. The text mixes information with
reassurance... A nonthreatening first exposure, administered with a
pleasant bedside manner.
Melvin Berger is the author of many classic LRFOs, including
Germs Make Me Sick!, Oil Spills! and Why I Cough, Sneeze, Shiver,
Hiccup, and Yawn, as well as other nonfiction on the Harper
backlist. He lives in East Hampton, NY.



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