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書城自編碼: 2543964
作者: [英]伊西 编著梁亚林 等译
國際書號(ISBN): 9787518010295
出版社: 中国纺织出版社
出版日期: 2014-09-01
版次: 1 印次: 1
頁數/字數: 296/
書度/開本: 16开 釘裝: 平装

售價:HK$ 124.8



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许多人在本书的第3版写作中给予我帮助,他们对第 1版和第 2版提出建议,具有启发性的谈话和灵感令我受益匪浅。
首先感谢希莉亚·阿特金森、克莉斯汀·索伦森、帕特丽夏 ·格雷、约翰 ·威兰斯和盖纳·里 -格林伍德,感谢他们给予我的帮助和友谊。我的合著者几年来一直支持着我,他们是我要好的同事、评论家和思想的源泉。
工学硕士,工商管理硕士,持有教育学研究生证书,英国特许市务学会会员。她的工作经历包括负责伯顿股票上市公司商品购买和推销以及为进修者讲授设计教育管理。希莉亚在英国和中国的大学有众多的教学经历,并且在时装营销培训和咨询方面拥有丰富的经验。希莉亚·阿特金森和迈克·伊西合写了本书第 6章时装产品的设计与营销。
荣誉文学学士,市场营销文凭,英国特许市务学会会员,持有教育证书。任职诺森比亚大学的纽卡斯尔商学院合作风险系主任。他曾为三家跨国公司工作,其领域涉及营销调研、商品促销和定位营销,是一位经验丰富的营销顾问,担任大规模系列化产品的顾问,包括为时装生产者和时装零售商做顾问。他同时兼任大学时装营销方向的对外主考者、英国高等教育质量保障局营销方向评论专家和《时装营销与管理》期刊的编委会成员。迈克 ·伊西编写了本书第1章、第3章、第7章和第10章,和克莉斯汀·索伦森合写了第5章,和希莉亚·阿特金森合写了第6章。
工学硕士,市场调研文凭,持有教育学研究生证书,曾任纽卡斯尔商学院营销调研课讲师,现任纽卡斯尔大学研究员。其工作经历包括在许多公司任顾问,她目前从事艺术品宣传以及在米渥布朗集团(全球十大市场研究机构之一)市场和社会调研部工作。帕特丽夏·格雷编写了本书第 4章时装市场营销调研。
盖纳·里 -格林伍德
艺术学硕士,文学学士,曼彻斯特城市大学时装营销高级讲师。她是时装业界的佼佼者,同塞尔弗里奇小姐(英国名牌百货公司)一样拥有举足轻重的地位。除了拥有时装零售商顾问的经验之外,她在国际资源和促销领域还拥有渊博的知识。她是一位活跃的研究员,英国国立大学对外考官,《时装营销与管理》期刊的编委会执行编辑。盖纳目前在为威利—布莱克威尔出版社编写“时装营销交流”的新教科书。盖纳·里-格林伍德编写了本书第 9章时装营销沟通。
艺术学硕士,研究生文凭,持有文学教育学荣誉研究生证书,纽卡斯尔商学院市场营销课高级讲师。她为三家公司做营销定位方面工作,包括出版业和特许经营。她在为小企业营销培训以及出席广播电台讨论促销开发方面拥有相当丰富的经验。克莉斯汀·索伦森编写了本书第 2章时装市场和营销环境,和迈克·伊西共同编写了第 5章市场细分与营销组合。
工学硕士,硕士文凭,持有教育证书,直到最近退休,他一直是纽卡斯尔商学院市场营销和零售分销课高级讲师,他的背景包括在零售部门以及哈德斯菲尔德大学讲授“纺织品营销”工作。约翰·威兰斯编写了本书第 8章时装分销。约翰目前正和鲁斯·马西尼克为威利—布莱克威尔出版社编写一本关于时装零售的新教材。
目 录
Part A Understanding Fashion Marketing
第 1部分了解时装营销 1
Chapter One An Introduction to Fashion Marketing
第1章时装营销绪论 2
1.1 What is fashion? 什么是时装 2
1.2 What is marketing? 什么是营销 4
1.3 What is fashion marketing? 什么是时装营销 6
1.4 Fashion marketing in practice 时装营销实践 6
1.5 How fashion marketing can help the fashion industry 时装营销如何有利于时装业 11
1.6 What fashion marketers do:five examples 时装营销者所从事的工作:5个范例 12
1.7 Ethical issues in fashion marketing 时装营销中的伦理问题 13
1.8 An overview of the fashion marketing process 时装营销过程概述 15
1.9 Summary 小结 17
Chapter Two The Fashion Market and the Marketing Environment
第2章时装市场和营销环境 19
2.1 Introduction 引言 19
2.2 The development of the fashion market 时装市场的发展 19
2.3 The fashion market: size and structure 时装市场:规模和结构 22
2.4 Marketing environment 营销环境 28
2.5 Micro-marketing environment 微观营销环境 28
2.6 Macro-marketing environment 宏观营销环境 38
2.7 Trends in the marketing environment 营销环境中的趋势 63
2.8 Summary 小结 65
Part B Understanding and Researching the Fashion Purchaser
第 2部分了解和调研时装买方 67
Chapter Three The Fashion Consumer and Organizational Buyer
第3章时装消费者和团体购买者 68
3.1 Introduction 引言 68
3.2 Why study the fashion buyer? 为什么研究时装消费者 69
3.3 Fashion consumer decision-making 时装消费者的购买决策 74
3.4 Psychological processes 心理过程 79
3.5 Sociological aspects of consumer behaviour 消费者行为的社会属性 90
3.6 The organizational buyer 团体购买者 103
3.7 Summary 小结 104
Chapter Four Fashion Marketing Research
第4章时装市场营销调研 106
4.1 Introduction 引言 106
4.2 The purpose of marketing research 营销调研的作用 106
4.3 An overview of the marketing research process 营销调研过程的概述 109
4.4 Problem definition and setting research objectives 确定问题和锁定调查对象 109
4.5 Research design 调研设计 110
4.6 Data sources 资料来源 110
4.7 Practical sampling methods 实用的抽样方法 112
4.8 Primary data collection methods 一手资料的收集方法 119
4.9 Data collection methods 资料收集的方法 121
4.10 Questionnaire design 调查问卷的设计 124
4.11 Attitude measurement and rating scales 态度测量和评价量表 128
4.12 The role of marketing research in new product development 营销调研在新产品开发中的作用 130
4.13 Forecasting fashion 流行预测 133
4.14 The Internet as a research tool 调研工具:网络 135
4.15 International marketing research 国际市场调研 138
4.16 Summary 小结 139
Part C Target Marketing and Managing the Fashion Marketing Mix
第3部分目标营销与营销组合管理 141
Chapter Five Segmentation and the Marketing Mix
第5章市场细分与营销组合 142
5.1 Introduction and overview 引言 142
5.2 Mass marketing and market segmentation 大众营销与市场细分 143
5.3 Segmentation: rationale, bases and strategy 市场细分:原理、基础和策略 146
5.4 Positioning and perceptual mapping 定位和认知图 153
5.5 The fashion marketing mix 时装营销组合 155
5.6 Summary 小结 157
Chapter Six Designing and Marketing Fashion Products
第6章时装产品设计与营销 159
6.1 Introduction 引言 159
6.2 The importance of fashion products 时装产品的重要性 160
6.3 The nature of fashion products 时装产品的本质 162
6.4 The fashion industry and new product development 时装业和新产品开发 172
6.5 Retail buying sequence: autumn and winter season 零售采购顺序:秋冬季 177
6.6 The product mix and range planning 产品组合和产品系列企划 178
6.7 Fashion and related life cycles 时装与产品生命周期 186
6.8 Summary 小结 193
Chapter Seven Pricing Garments and Fashion Services
第 7章时装定价与服务 195
7.1 Introduction 引言 195
7.2 Different views of price 关于价格的不同观点 195
7.3 The role of price decisions within marketing strategy 营销策略中价格决策的作用 197
7.4 External factors influencing price decisions 影响定价的外部因素 198
7.5 Internal factors influencing price decisions 影响定价的内部因素 202
7.6 Main methods of setting prices 定价的主要方法 202
7.7 Pricing strategies in relation to new products 新产品的定价策略 210
7.8 Pricing strategies to match the competition 参照竞争者定价的策略 211
7.9 Price changes 价格变动 212
7.10 Summary 小结 215
Chapter Eight Fashion Distribution
第 8章时装分销 216
8.1 Introduction 引言 216
8.2 The importance of fashion retailing 时装零售的重要性 216
8.3 Structural issues 结构问题 218
8.4 The industry’s components 产业构成 223
8.5 Trends in retailing 零售的趋势 230
8.6 The Internet 互联网 235
8.7 The ‘grey market’ 灰色市场 237
8.8 Retail marketing effectiveness 零售营销的效益 238
8.9 Summary 小结 239
Chapter Nine Fashion Marketing Communications
第9章时装营销传播 240
9.1 Introduction 引言 240
9.2 The marketing communications environment 营销传播环境 241
9.3 The traditional approach to promotion 传统的促销方式 242
9.4 Fashion advertising 时装广告 246
9.5 Sales promotion 营业推广 248
9.6 Public relations 公共关系 248
9.7 Celebrity endorsement and sponsorship 名人代言和赞助 250
9.8 Personal selling 人员促销 252
9.9 Visual merchandising to visual marketing 从视觉推销到视觉营销 253
9.10 International marketing communications 国际营销传播 256
9.11 Ethics in marketing communications 营销传播中的道德标准 257
9.12 Evaluating the effectiveness of marketing communications 营销传播 的有效性评估 258
9.13 New directions in fashion marketing communications 时装营销传播的新动向 259
9.14 Summary 小结 260
Chapter Ten Fashion Marketing Planning
第 10章 时装营销规划 262
10.1 Introduction 引言 262
10.2 The planning process and objectives 规划过程和目标 262
10.3 Marketing audits and SWOT analysis
营销审计和 SWOT分析 264
10.4 Marketing strategy 营销策略 267
10.5 The fashion marketing plan 时装营销规划 271
10.6 Implementation and organizational issues 实施与组织问题 273
10.7 Summary 小结 275
Glossary of Fashion Marketing Terms时装营销专业术语 277 Acknowledgements致谢 283
List of Contributors参编者简介 285
第4章 时装市场营销调研
4.1 Introduction/引言
The purpose of this chapter is to provide an introduction to some of the main concepts and decisions involved in the research process, as well as the main techniques used in survey research.
Most adults in the UK have had some experience of marketing research, usually through contact with the ‘lady with the clipboard’ in street surveys. As such, the main emphasis of this chapter will be on the decisions that must be made as part of survey design; from the definition of the research problem to the design of the questionnaire and data collection. The application of marketing research to product development and fashion forecasting international marketing research issues and the impact of the Internet will also be considered.
The purpose of marketing research/营销调研的作用
What is marketing research?/什么是营销调研
Kotler 2000 defines marketing research as ‘the systematic design, analysis and reporting of data and findings relevant to a specific marketing situation facing the company’.
It is often asked whether there is a difference between market research and marketing research. The difference is in the scope of an investigation, as shown in Figure 4.1. Market research is used to refer to research into a specific market, investigating such aspects as market size, market trends, competitor analysis, and so on. Marketing research is a much broader concept, covering investigation into all aspects of the marketing of goods or services, such as product research and development, pricing research, advertising research, distribution research, as well as all the aspects of market analysis covered by market research.
市场调研和营销调研是经常容易混淆的两个概念。区别主要在调研内容方面,如图 4-1所示。市场调研主要指的是针对某一特定市场的调查,包括市场规模、市场趋势、竞争者分析等。营销调研是一个广义的概念,包括市场上产品和服务的所有方面,如产品研发、价格调研、广告调研、
4.2.2 Why is information necessary?/为什么信息是必需的
In today’s fierce market economy the risks faced by businesses are great. Aggressive competitors pose serious threats for both large and small businesses in the constant fight to maintain and increase their market share. To maximize opportunities the successful business person must make the right decisions at the right time. The consequence of making the wrong decision can be financial ruin.Without the gift of clairvoyance, such decisions are problematic. An understanding of the market and the needs and wants of your consumers now and in the future are rarely based on intuition alone. Sound market information provides the basis for marketing decisions. Marketing research, properly designed and implemented, will provide this information.
在如今竞争激烈的市场经济环境 下,各行业都面临着很大的风险。或 大或小的企业都会受到强有力的竞争对手的威胁,它们不断在维持和扩大企业的市场份额。为了创造更多的机会,成功的商人必须能够在正确的时 间做出正确的决策,一系列错误的决策会给企业带来经济上的损失。如果没有超强的洞察力,企业所作的决策就有可能存在问题。从来没有谁会依靠直觉来了解市场的需求、现在和未来消费者的需求和欲望,可靠的市场信息会为营销决策提供资料,而这些信息的获取需要有效地设计和进行营销调研。



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