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『簡體書』传统中药的民族药学、药理学及天然药物化学的研究进展 (英文版)

書城自編碼: 2667126
作者: Maoxing Li 著
國際書號(ISBN): 9787030456397
出版社: 科学出版社
出版日期: 2015-01-01

頁數/字數: 383页
書度/開本: 16开

售價:HK$ 292.3



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Maoxing Li编著的《Ethnopharmacology Phytochemistry and Pharmacology Review of Traditional Chinese Medicine-I英文版精》选取当今药学研究领域具有传统应用历史、丰富化学成分及药理活性的10个属热点植物为研究对象,收集国内外各类文献资料,综合论述其植物学特性、民族民间用法、植物化学分离鉴定化学成分名称及结构、现代药理学研究结构及临床试验安全性分析等,*终期望可以给各类药学科研人员及植物学研究者提供一个全面的资料源泉。读者可以从此书中获得上述植物的整体认识,构建一条由传统药用经验到现代药物研究的线索。符合当今由传统药物寻找具有现代药理活性,特别是对当前难治疾病有良效的活性成分或先导化合物的新药研究思路。
Chapter 1 Ethnopharmacology, phytochemistry and pharmacology of Leonurus japonicus Houtt
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Botany and ethnopharmacology
1.2.1 Botany
1.2.2 Ethnopharmacology
1.3 Phytochemistry
1.3.1 Alkaloids
1.3.2 Diterpenes
1.3.3 Flavones
1.3.4 Spirocyclic nortriterpenoids
1.3.5 Sesquiterpene glycosides
1.3.6 Megastigma
1.3.7 Phenylethanoid glycosides
1.3.8 Nonapeptides
1.3.9 Essential oils
1.3.10 Others
1.4 Pharmacology
1.4.1 Effects of chemical compounds
1.4.2 Effects of crude extract
1.5 Analysis of active constituents and quality control
1.6 Toxicity
1.7 Conclusion
1.8 Acknowledgements
1.9 References
Chapter 2 Ethnopharmacology, phytochemistry and pharmacology of Eucommia ulmoides Oliv
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Botanical description and ethnopharmacology
2.3 Phytochemistry
2.3.1 Lignans
2.3.2 Iridoids
2.3.3 Phenolics
2.3.4 Steroid and terpenoids
2.3.5 Flavonoids
2.3.6 Other compounds
2.3.7 Variance of major components
2.4 Biological activities
2.4.1 Anti-hypertensive activity
2.4.2 Hypolipidemic activity
2.4.3 Anti-obesity activity
2.4.4 Anti-diabetic activity
2.4.5 Effect on bone metabolism
2.4.6 Anti-inflammatory, anti-viral and anti-bacterial activities
2.4.7 Neuroprotective activity
2.4.8 Antioxidative activity
2.4.9 Improving erectile function
2.4.10 Anti-fatigue activity
2.4.11 Anti-aging activity
2.4.12 Anti-tumor activity
2.4.13 Hepatoprotective activity
2.4.14 Enhancing immune-function
2.5 Toxicity
2.6 Future perspectives and conclusion
2.7 Acknowledgements
2.8 Reference
Chapter 3 Phytochemistry and pharmacology of the genus Pedicularis
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Chemical constituents
3.3 Iridoid glycosides
3.4 Phenylpropanoid glycosides
3.5 Lignan glycosides
3.6 Flavonoids
3.7 Alkaloids
3.8 Othercompounds
3.9 Biological activity
3.10 Anti-tumor activity
3.11 Antioxidative activity
Chapter 4 Ethnopharmacological and phytochemical review of genus Epimedium
Chapter 5 Ethnopharmacology, phytochemistry and pharmacology of Lonicera japonica Thunb
Chapter 6 Ethnopharmacological and phytochemical review of genus Scutellaria
Chapter 7 Botany, chemistry and pharmacology review of Rehmannia glutinosa
Chapter 8 Phytochemical and biological studies of plants from the Genus Oxytropis
Chapter 9 Phytochemical and biological studies of plants from the Genus Phlomis
Chapter 10 The genus Patrinia : Ethnopharmacology, phytochem-istry, and pharmacology of an important traditional Chinese medicine



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