1. 生命是一支队伍。迟慢的人发现队伍走得太快了,他就走出队伍;快步的人又发现队伍走得太慢了,他也走出队伍。
Life is a procession. The slow of foot finds it too swift and he steps out; And the swift of foot finds it too slow and he too steps out.
2. 死亡和老人的距离并不比和婴儿的距离更近;生命也是如此。
Death is not nearer to the aged than to the new-born; neither is life.
3. 人间的葬礼也可能是天上的婚筵。
Mayhap a funeral among men is a wedding feast among the angels.
4. 当你解答了生命的一切奥秘,你就渴望死亡,因为它不过是生命的另一个奥秘。
When you have solved all the mysteries of life you long for death, for it is but another mystery of life.
5. 生命是不倒行的,也不与昨日一同停留。
For life goes not backward nor tarries with yesterday
1. 你不能同时又有青春又有关于青春的知识。
You cannot have youth and the knowledge of it at the same time.
2. 因为青春忙于生活,而顾不得去了解,而知识为着要生活,而忙于自我寻求。
For youth is too busy living to know, and knowledge is toobusy seeking itself to live.
3. 你们的理性与热情,是你们航行的灵魂的舵与帆。
Your reason and your passion are the rudder and the sails of your seafaring soul.
4. 在我们的朦胧里,你是正午的潮者,你青春的气度,给我们以梦想。
A noontide have you been in our twilight, and your youth has given us dreams to dream.
5. 我是一个旅行者,也是一个航海者,我每天在我的灵魂中发现一个新的王国。
A traveler am I and a navigator, and every day I discover a new region within my soul.
1. 除非临到了别离的时候,爱永远不会知道自己的深浅。
And ever has it been that love knows not its own depth until the hour of separation.
2. 爱情是一个光明的字,被一只光明的手写在一张光明的册页上的。
Love is a word of light, written by a hand of light, upon a page of light.
3. 爱不占有,也不被占有。
Love possesses not nor would it be possessed.
4. 当一个男子的手接触到一个女子的手,他俩都接触到了永在的心。
When a man''s hand touches the hand of a woman they both touch the heart of eternity.
5. 不日日自新的爱情,变成一种习惯,而终于变成奴役。
Love that does not renew itself every day becomes a habit and in turn a slavery.
1. 我们今天的悲哀里最苦的东西,是我们昨天的欢乐的回忆。
The bitterest thing in our today''s sorrow is the memory of our yesterday''s joy.
2. 你的欢乐,就是你的去了面具的悲哀。
Your joy is your sorrow unmasked.
3. 悲哀的创痕在你身上刻得越深,你越能容受更多的欢乐。
The deeper that sorrow carves into your being, the more joy you can contain.
4. 当你的欢乐和悲哀变大的时候,世界就变小了。
When either your joy or your sorrow becomes great the world becomes small.
5. 忧愁是两座花园间的一堵墙壁。
Sadness is but a wall between two gardens.
1. 当你们的自由脱去它的镣铐的时候,它本身又变成更大的自由的镣铐了。
And thus your freedom when it loses its fetters becomes itself the fetter of a greater
2. 只有那求自由的愿望也成了羁饰, 你们再不以自由为标杆、为成就的时候,你们才是自由了。
You can only be free when even the desire of seeking freedom becomes a harness to you, and when you cease to speak of freedom as a goal and a fulfillment.
3. 实话说,你们所谓的自由,就是最坚牢的锁链,虽然那链环闪烁在日光中,炫耀了你们的眼目。
In truth that which you call freedom is the strongest of these chains, though its links
glitter in the sun and dazzle the eyes.
4. 噫,在庙宇的林中,在城堡的影里,我曾看见你们中之最自由者,把自由像枷铐似的戴上。
Ay, in the grove of the temple and in the shadow of the citadel I have seen the freest among you wear their freedom as a yoke and a handcuff.
5. 真正自由的人是忍耐地背起奴隶的负担的人。
The truly free man is he who bears the load of the bond slave patiently.
1. 我宁可做人类中有梦想和有完成梦想的愿望的、最渺小的人, 而不愿做一个最伟大的、无梦想、无愿望的人。
I would not be the least among men with dreams and the desire to fulfill them, rather than the greatest with no dreams and no desires.
2. 最可怜的人是把他的梦想变成金银的人。
The most pitiful among men is he who turns his dreams into silver and gold.
3. 如同种子在雪下梦想,你们的心也在梦想着春天。
And like seeds dreaming beneath the snow your heart dreams of spring.
4. 撒下一粒种子,大地会给你一朵花。向天祝愿一个梦想,天空会给你一个情人。
Sow a seed and the earth will yield you a flower. Dream your dream to the sky and it will bring you your beloved.
5. 春天的花朵是天使们在早餐桌上所谈论的冬天的梦想。
The flowers of spring are winter''s dreams related at the breakfast table of the angels.