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書城自編碼: 3018643
作者: 江才普俊
國際書號(ISBN): 9787504764720
出版社: 中国财富出版社
出版日期: 2017-05-01
版次: 1 印次: 1
頁數/字數: 296/312
書度/開本: 16开 釘裝: 平装

售價:HK$ 80.5



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目 录

1章我愿一生行乞 Im Ready to Be a Mendicant for All My Life 0011感恩遇见 Be Grateful to the Encounters 0022一生行乞 A Mendicant for Life 0033曾经的誓言 The Past Vows 0044一颗凡心,一场修行 Practice Buddhism with Our Mortal Hearts 0055无有挂碍无有恐惧 No Attachment and Therefore No Fear 0066家在何处 Where Is Home 0077悉尼歌剧院 008 The Sydney Opera House 0098虔诚的信仰者 010 A Devout Believer 0119远行才是归处 Destined to Head for the Distance 01210朝拜的开始 The Beginning of Pilgrimage 01311经历轮回,你仍是我此生的修行 014
Reincarnation After Reincarnation, My Practice of Buddhism in This Life Is Still About You 01512最美的供养 016 The Best Offering of All 01713那一路的风景 018 The Scenery Along the Way 01914这一年 020 This Year 02115布施与否 022 To Give or Not to Give 02316不枯萎的善果 The Good Fruit Should Never Wither 02417独处的修行 Practicing Buddhism Alone 02518这片土地 This Land 02619朝拜的起点 The Starting Point of Pilgrimage 027
Practice and Enlightenment
The Buddha Way in a World of Impermanence
20与生俱来的善举A Charitable Ability That We Are Born with 02821点石成金Turning Stone into Gold 029

2章读懂自己的心Understand Yourself 03122自在的修行The Practice to Be Free 03223说到曾经Speak of the Past 03324心知道The Mind Is Aware 03425漂泊的心A Wandering Mind 03526不再计较Stop Caring About the Rewards 03627一个故事A Story 03728不曾知足的心 038 Never Satisfied Hearts 03929谁制造了烦恼Who Made the Trouble 04030心的取舍The Hearts Choices 04131修行能给予什么 042 What Can Practice Bring Us? 04332读懂自己的心 044 Understand Yourself 04533静 046 Inner Peace 04734如果你愿意 048 If You Are Willing 04935思考给予的答案Answers Provided by Thinking 05036谦虚Modesty 05137真实的放松Real Relaxation 05238自然地发生Naturally Occurring 05339一颗初心A Beginners Mind 05440无惧的行者The Fearless Mendicant 05541享受源于清净Enjoyment Derives from a Peaceful Mind 056
Table of Contents
42当下的心 Your Mind at the Time Being 05743内心的美 Inner Beauty 05844执着 Obsession 05945修心 Mind Cultivation 06046倾听 Listening 06147路 The Road 06248无从表白 No Way to Express 063

3章快乐的秘诀 The Secret of Happiness 06549止 Dhyana 06650一个人的孤独 A Persons Loneliness 06751陷阱 The Trap 06852金刚舞 Vajra Dance 06953那一天 070 That Day 07154自欺与欺人 Deceiving Yourself VS Deceiving Others 07255自省 Introspection 07356知苦 074 Know Your Sufferings 07557爱的烦恼 The Trouble of Love 07658伤害者 The One That Harms Us 07759往事 The Past 07860烦恼的真相 The Truth About Trouble 07961恐惧的制造者 The Maker of Fear 08062面对恐惧 To Face the Fear 08163真相 The Truth 082
64得与失Gains and Losses 08365调伏Adjustment 08466闹铃The Alarm Clock 08567痕迹Traces 08668归宿Destination 087
Practice and Enlightenment
The Buddha Way in a World of Impermanence
69悲伤的理由Reasons for Sadness 08870过去,现在和未来Past, Present and Future 08971秘诀Secrets 09072简单Simplicity 09173时间 092 Time 09374同路人Like-minded People 09475流浪与远行Wander and Travel 09576有一种败笔A Kind of Flaw 09777分别心The Discriminating Mind 09878心安Peace of Mind 099第 章一双澄澈的眼睛A Pair of Clear Eyes 10179活在他人眼里的自己 102 Living in Others Eyes 10380想要与需要What We Want and What We Need 10481接地气的智慧Most Practical Wisdom 10582世事无常The Worldly Affairs Are Impermanent 10683你能左右的What You Can Control 10784内在的敌人The Inner Enemy 10885修行只针对自己The Practice Is on Oneself Only 109
Table of Contents
86请记得坚持Please Remember to Persist 11087过程不等于结果The Process Is Not Equal to the Result 11188一丝福报A Small Amount of Blessing 11289易傲慢难谦卑Easier to Be Arrogant than Humble 11390欺骗者The Deceiver 11491掩饰与压抑To Cover up and to Suppress 11592诱惑Temptation 11693放下To Let Go 11794照见 118 Seeing Yourself in the Eyes of Others 11995敬畏心Awe 12096勇气Courage 12197沉思 122 Meditation 12398老者之苦 124 The Suffering of the Old 12699接纳Acceptance 128100残缺中的圆满Perfection in Incompletion 129101知足Contentment 130102重复的痛The Repeated Pain 131103苦的由来The Origin of Bitterness 132104内心的世界The Inner World 133

5章认识生活的本来面目To Know the True Color of Life 135
105命运Fate 136106救世主A Savior 137107选择To Choose 138
108角度The Angle 139109真理The Truth 140110轮回Reincarnation 141
Practice and Enlightenment
The Buddha Way in a World of Impermanence
111缘起缘灭Destined Encounters and Destined Separations 142112熟悉的陌生人A Familiar Stranger 143113爱没有错 144 Love Is Not Wrong 145114不留遗憾 146 No Regrets 147115轮回本是残缺 148 Reincarnation Is Incompletion 149116简单 150 Simple 151117人生 152 Life 153118一生何求What to Ask for in This Life 154119习惯The Habit 155120对和错Right and Wrong 156121理性与感性Reason and Emotion 157122说明书A Manual 158123真正的敌人The Real Enemy 159124等待To Wait 160125相同与不同Same but Different 161126因果Cause and Effect 162127学会忘记Learn to Forget 163128不为审判Not for a Trial 164129埋怨Complaint 165130高度The Height 166131挂碍Hindrance 167
Table of Contents

Beauty Is the Discovery of Someone with a Mind of Zen 169
132禅之美The Beauty of Zen 170133多情的菩萨The Affectionate Bodhisattva 171134秋叶 172 Autumn Leaves 173135若无留恋,怎会相欠 174 If There Is No Yearning, How Can Debts Be Generated? 175136所谓孤独 176 The So-called Loneliness 177137相遇的美 178 The Beauty of Encounters 179138听说那里下雪了 180 I Heard That There Was a Snow 181139在这落叶纷飞的季节里 182 In the Season Where Leaves Fall in Profusion 183140美与好The Beautiful and the Good 184141最美的愿力The Most Beautiful Will 185142听雨 186 Listen to the Rain 187143禅与心Zen and the Mind 188
144错过To Miss 189145歌颂者与追随者 A Chanter and Follower 190146下一站The Next Stop 191147自在Free and Comfortable 192148一朵花A Flower 193149无言的修行Wordless Practice 195
150朝圣者 196 The Pilgrim 197151梦中人The People in Our Dreams 198152无处安放的孤独No Appropriate Place for Loneliness 199153流动Flowing 200
154结局The Ending 201
Practice and Enlightenment
The Buddha Way in a World of Impermanence
第 章幸福从来都想遇见你
7Happiness Has Always Wanted to Meet You 203
155宿命者The Fatalist 204156昨天,今天和明天Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow 205157遇见幸福 206 Encounter Happiness 207
158懂爱 208 Understand Love 209
159等待To Wait 210160慢生活A Slow Tempo of Life 211161缘与分 212 The Predestined Encounter and the Predestined Relationship 213162有些人 214 Some People 215
163熟悉的美 216 The Beauty of Familiarity 217
164时间Time 218
165悲与智Compassion and Wisdom 219166过去与未来The Past and the Future 220167痛苦的轮回The Painful Cycle of Reincarnation 221168爱与恨 222 Love and Hate 223169向内求To Seek Inside Yourself 224170幸福曾经来过Happiness Was Here 225
第 章那一生,那一世The Entire Preceding Life 227
8171那一生,那一世The Entire Preceding Life 228172一念菩提一念善Enlightenment and Goodwill 229173因缘呈现The Manifestations of Karma 230
Table of Contents
174劫与难Disasters and Hardships 231175当我们老去 232 When We Become Old 233176你的记忆 234 Your Memory 235177此岸与彼岸This and the Other Side of the River 236178一念间A Flash of Idea 237179依止 238 Reliance 239180输与赢 240 Winning and Losing 241181一场独舞A Dance Solo 242182无常的魅力The Charm of Impermanence 243183品味To Taste 244184梦幻泡影Dreamy Bubbles 245185看尽繁华,归于寂静Return to Silence 246186患得患失Worries About Personal Gains and Losses 247187一颗心,一世界 248 A Mind and a World 249188感动To Feel Moved 250189不完美的人生The Imperfect Life 251190当下的那颗心 252 The Mind at the Moment 253191新的开始A New Start 254192菩提梦Bodhi Dream 255
附录一热腾仁波切开示 257 The Revelation of Reteng Rinpoche 267附录二关于作者 275 About the Author 280
序 言
Originally I just wanted to write about my own feelings and others stories, but as I wrote, Ifound that while I had written a lot, I had also forgotten quite a lot. As a person who is on the pathof practice, I always expect to express some ideas, but they are just my own understanding. I havebeen in the bustling city for quite some years, and the people I met as well as the things I saw wouldprovide me with a lot of practice opportunities. In the temple, what I read is the truth, while in thecity, what I see is reality. No matter where we are, as long as we aspire to practice Buddhism, everywherecan become a right location for practice. So I am always ready to share my thoughts, howeversmall they are, with my friends. Then some of my friends who feel the same with me should like meto have the thoughts compiled so that they can share them with more friends, which is the cause ofthis book.

Chapter IIm Ready to Be a Mendicant for All My Life
The pace of a mendicant prayer can never be held back by thecity. We are destined to head for the distance. Im ready to be amendicant for all my life in search of my soul. Id be grateful to thewinds I meet and to the scenery along the way. My gratitude is butthe starting point of my pilgrimage, aiming at protecting my vowsmade in the past...
Be Grateful to the Encounters
Let us be grateful to the winds that blow away the mist of confusion, to the rain that moisturizes ourdreams in imagination, and to the tender moon that constantly reminds us of the impermanence of theworld.
Be grateful also to all of our encounters, bonds, and even all the causes, and be grateful everytime people look back inadvertently, which never fails to touch the heart of a mendicant.
Embrace your will. Feel the strongest compassion in your heart. Against all odds, the will makeseverything possible. When your heart is immersed in benevolence and compassion, your pain isonly a seed awakened. But as the seed grows and bursts into bloom, the pain becomes the impetusof your transformation.
A Mendicant for Life
Im ready to be a mendicant for all my life, staying away from things that others would not let goand never scrambling for things they crave. I would prostrate myself before all living creatures, notfor the sake of being eulogized, but for fear that with my head held up high and proudly, I wouldnever be able to look straight into my own soul.
Hence I am ready to be a mendicant for all my life. For those who offer alms and help to me, Iwould practice for their sake, and we can form a tie based on Dharma at anytime.
The Past Vows
I move myself with the beginners mind. My sincerity is my companion. No matter how theworld changes, my mind is still the same as at the beginning.
So all of the impermanence is only meant to protect the pure faith.
I am willing to be a particle of dust so even if I were merely a particle of dust on earth, I wouldprovide a peaceful place for your frustrated heart to settle in. Even if I were only a grain of sandthat precipitates in the world, I would let you step on me to prevent you from falling. You donthave to ask me why, because the answer is always an excuse for people to escape, yet I simply meanto honor the vows I made under the Bodhi tree.
Practice Buddhism with Our Mortal Hearts
The cultivation of the mind is achieved in tranquility, and repentance is an undertaking that traces backgenerations. What I seek is bodhicitta1, and what I try to understand is the law of karma.
As we come, we have heavy karma upon us; so as we pass away, there is no need to be upset. Ifwe are to meet, why should we get acquainted? If we are to part, why should we cherish our relationship?
We can take our painful feelings easier if we look at life as a drama, and we can grow more enlightenedafter going through the bitter cycle of reincarnation and misfortunes. Practice Buddhismwith our mortal hearts. Cultivate a Buddhist mind. Lets start from our current state of mind.
1 Bodhicitta:
enlightenment-mind, the mind that strives toward awakening, empathy and compassionfor the benefit of all sentient beings
No Attachment and Therefore No Fear
However pious you are, your piety will still be tarnished when your aim overtakes your devotion.
However devoted you are, your heart will remain floating on earth if it keeps wondering aboutthe gains in this world.
You should know that while the worlds flowers can bloom either in the wild or in the courtyard,they could never bloom in the garden of the Pure Land. Therefore, practicing Buddhism is notabout gaining, nor a comfort to you for your loss. It just wants to tell you that while you are besetby Loss and Gain, it is never their intention to beset you.
In many cases, we just expect faith to solve various problems, but the faith itself is a way to understandthe ultimate essence of things the paramattha. If you keep on expecting, faith will shatterthe expectations in the end.
Therefore, faith itself is not a decoration to the worlds prosperity, nor meant to allow us to playhermits in the mountains. It is only meant to free us from worries and fear, so that we can feel atease and more powerful.
Where Is Home
In fact there is a home in everyones heart. We may choose to wander, or we may choose to settledown, but they are only different ways to return home, a place that we are familiar with.
Sometimes some people get tired as they walk, and some would get lost. Therefore, regardingeach and every encounter in this life, please believe that it was caused by a willregardless ofwhether the person makes you feel bad or sweet.
So please also put all the losses and gains aside. There can be no better journey than a journey ofencounters, especially in this beautiful April.
The Sydney Opera House
A breeze in spring sweeps across the river, leaving behind the citys reflection on the surface ofthe water. Walking on the road, the Bhiksu, a Buddhist monk, is somewhat eye-catching. I do notknow which one is true: that the robe of the Buddhist has disturbed this busy world, or that thebusy world has been affected by the peaceful air of the monk.
In silence, dripping raindrops streak across the white shells of the Sydney Opera House. By twosand threes, the visitors look like scattered pearls, milling about the Darling Harbor that sparklesbrightly in the night. Yet I am, as if I were an old man, sometimes lost in thought, sometimes lostin a trance.
The crimson robe Kasaya appears to be washed-out and dimmed in the dazzling lights of thecity.
Perhaps the most likely place to get lost is not in the dark, as more people get lost under theseflashing lights.
The robe falls upon earth, and dyes the soul of the monk red. Look at the countless causes formeeting and parting, as well as the countless times of reincarnation - alas! They are all derived fromthe unsubdued earthly desires.
If at this time, a mendicant monk in crimson can give them some opportunities to pour outtheir hearts, or even a moment of comfort, I believe this is the reason for the mendicant to wanderabout the city.
Perhaps, the faded crimson color results from the lack of some illusional representations, orrather, the return to the real ultimate essence.
Of course I dare not say that this is not a kind of self-comfort, but Im afraid to miss anyonewho is fateful to meet with the Buddha Dharma.
A Devout Believer
If there is no reincarnation, where can we seek extrication mukti?If there is no human world, how can we know about impurity?Therefore, disadvantages and advantages are the two sides of a coin.
If there is no pain, how can we know what a heart can tolerate?If there is no deception, how can we know that promises are precious?Therefore, all achievements presuppose experiences.
Whenever the crimson robe brushes over the clamoring world, we can always hear the Buddhaswords of wisdom that touch our hearts.
In the city, even when the night reins, I can still find my own footprints, not because of thebright light, but because I am a worshiper, and what I worship is the kindness and tranquility thatreside in everyones heart.
Even in the midst of many different beliefs, I can still find my like-minded friends. There is noneed to cry out the right or the wrong, as I am not a religious extremist but a devout believer.
Destined to Head for the Distance
A lifetime is very short, say the old people, And the number of the things you can do is in factvery limited. But there would be many things that you do wrong.
A lifetime is not too short, says Father, You will meet lots of people. But very few will accompanyyou to the end.
A lifetime is merely a concept, says my master, Those happy ones would consider it shortwhile the distressed ones would feel the opposite. However, the happy ones are very few indeed.
In fact, we have never been unhappy because we lack something. We are unhappy because wefocus ourselves on what we dont have.
Perhaps a lifetime is not to be measured by length, but to be recorded with our moods, becausein the end we will simply describe our lives of different lengths with some emotions, regrets or aftertastes.
Therefore, given that life is short, let us not waste our time pursuing mere worldly possessionsor settling debts. After all, we are all destined to head for the distance after our lives end.
The Beginning of Pilgrimage
Perhaps you feel a little discomfort. It is because the soul comes into contact with the void; perhapsyour heart rate is accelerated. It is because the mind likes purity.
We keep walking, not because we lost anything, but because the mendicant left his footprints atthe foot of Mount Sumeru.
When you look at the palace on Mount Putuo, you can see its prayer flags jiggling mildly likea shy dancer, which help you discover the spiritual pure land, and it is the moment when your pilgrimagebegins.
Reincarnation After Reincarnation,My Practice of Buddhism in This Life Is Still About You
Who has disturbed our mortal dreams?
Who is stirring up our memories accumulated throughout generations?
We have agreed to leave the past behind, have we not?
But after so many rebirths, we still encounter each other in this misted Saha world.
Didnt we make a promise that if we meet again, we will be together?
But despite so many vows, we still meet each other yet never spend our lives together in thisworld.
Perhaps you are what my lifelong practice is about, and perhaps I have been your lifelong obsession.
The wheel of Fate has been turned and turned. Generations have passed, yet I still wonder whyour mortal desires remains.
For many times I lie prostrate, wondering why I cant measure the length of my reincarnation.
Perhaps we should not have touched the things we thought were beautiful.
Perhaps we should not have turned our unhappiness into the burden of others.
Therefore, a mendicant is destined to head for the distance. The city cannot make him stay.



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