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『英文書』Your Republic Is Calling You(ISBN=9780151015450)

書城自編碼: 1817010
分類:簡體書→原版英文書→小说 Fiction
作者: Young
國際書號(ISBN): 9780151015450
出版社: Houghton Mifflin Har
出版日期: 2011-12-01
版次: 1 印次: 1
頁數/字數: 326/
書度/開本: 16开 釘裝: 平装

售價:HK$ 219.3



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《 风雅牧野:文物中的古代文明 》

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《 清代“古今字”学术史研究 》

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《 古代战争:重现金戈铁马的史诗画卷 》

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A foreign film importer, Gi-yeong is a family man with a wife
and daughter. An aficionado of Heineken, soccer, and sushi, he is
also a North Korean spy who has been living among his enemies for
twenty-one years.
Suddenly he receives a mysterious email, a directive seemingly
from the home office. He has one day to return to headquarters. He
hasn’t heard from anyone in over ten years. Why is he being called
back now? Is this message really from Pyongyang? Is he returning to
receive new orders or to be executed for a lack of diligence? Has
someone in the South discovered his secret identity? Is this a
Spanning the course of one day, Your Republic Is Calling You is
an emotionally taut, psychologically astute, haunting novel that
reveals the depth of one particularly gripping family secret and
the way in which we sometimes never really know the people we love.
Confronting moral questions on small and large scales, it mines the
political and cultural transformations that have transformed South
Korea since the 1980s. A lament for the fate of a certain kind of
man and a certain kind of manhood, it is ultimately a searing study
of the long and insidious effects of dividing a nation in two.
Young-ha Kim''s I Have the Right to Destroy Myself won
Korea''s Munhak-dongne prize and wasa Border''s Original
Voices pick upon publication in the United States.He
hasearned a reputation as the most talented and prolific
Korean writer of his generation, publishing five novels and three
collections of short stories since 1996.



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