Master the Art of the Workaround toBoost Your Productivity!
"With the variety of challenges leaders face every day, Russell
Bishop has hit on an amazingly simple and highly effective
solution: the ''workaround.'' This is a brilliant approach to facing
day-to-day business challenges, and it works!" -Marshall Goldsmith,
world-renowned executive coach and author of the New York Times
bestsellers Mojo and What Got You Here Won''t Get You There "If you
want to succeed big, there is no substitute
experienced the frustration dozens of times: you need approval
on a project, but a key sign-off person is out of town; a product
is on a crash schedule, but you’re missing an important detail; you
need to move ahead in a process, but company rules cause delays.
What you need is a workaround.
In Workarounds That Work, Russell Bishop—an expert in personal
and organization transformation—teaches the art of the workaround:
a method for accomplishing a task or goal when the normal process
isn’t producing the desired results. Workarounds help you break
through the tasks and systems that keep you from the important
stuff. They even help you bring lasting change to your organization
by doing away with frustrating institutional inefficiencies once
and for all.
Workarounds aren’t only about getting things done. They’re
about getting the right things done. To ratchet up productivity,
your organization needs someone who will ask the big questions,
such as:
How can our systems—from operational infrastructures to
management processes—be more efficient and effective?
Do we make the most of our talent?
Do our teams work in isolation when collaboration would be more
Are we wasting time, placing blame, and fighting fires when we
could instead be fixing problems?
Is our direction clear, aligned, and focused?
Russell Bishop is an internationally regarded
speaker, educator, coach and consultant. His corporate clients
include Fortune 500 executives in aerospace, healthcare,
information technology, and telecommunications. He is also an
editor and frequent columnist for the Living section of The
Huffington Post. A recognized expert in personal and organization
transformation, Russell has coached thousands of individuals around
the world, helping them to create balance and success in their
personal and professional lives. Today, Russell is the founder and
President of Bishop Bishop, a consulting and coaching company
whose seminars, coaching, and consulting offer individuals and
organizations a new approach to integrating values into their
personal and professional lives. He has lectured on productivity
for the executive MBA programs at UCLA, University of Texas and
Washington University in St. Louis.