第二部分 学生代表论文选
A 35 GHz low voltage third harmonic gyrotron with a permanent magnet system
Evaluation of Beat Noise in OCDMA System With NonGaussian Approximated Method
Research of Algebra Congruent Codes Used in Two Dimensional 0CDMA System
Some features of chaos and oscillations in plasmafiued diodes
Study of a Printed Circular Disc Monopole Antenna for UWB Systems
Optical image reconstruction using frequencydomain data:simulations
and experiments
ThreeDimensional Optical Tomographic Imaging of Breast in A Human Su bject
Frequency shifts by beamdriven plasma wake waves
0.22 THz回旋管振荡器的研制与实验
Numerical modeling of large orbit magnetrontype gyrotron through selgconsistent nonlinear theoryt
Unified nonlinear orbit dynamics of an equibbrium electron in a helical wiggler with a positive or reversed axialguide magnetic field at magnetOresOnance
Magnetically insulated theory with both electron and ion flows
A 140一GHz TwoBeam Overmoded FoldedWaveguide TravelingWave Tube
Suppression of InBand Power Holes in Helix Traveling Wave Tubes
Demonstratiop of a two stage backwardwave oscillator and free electron Jaser
Properties of obliquely incident electromagnetic wave in one dimensional magnetized plasma photonic crystals
Growth rate and start current in SmithPurcell freeelectron lasers
Positron generation through laser Compton scattering gamma ray
Design and experimental verification of terahertz wideband filter based on double layered metal hole arrays
Design of nonreciprocal waveguide devices based on twodimensional magneto optical photonic crystals
Coherent terahertz radiation from highharmonic component of modulated freeelectron beam in a tapered twoasymmetric grating structure
Terahertz radiation of electron beam cylindrical mimicking surface plasmon wave interaction
Calculation of wakefields in a 1 7 CHz beam driven photonic bandgap accelerator structure
Terahertz radiation from interaction between an electron beam and a planar surface plasmon structure
Numerical analysis of electron induced surface plasmon excitation using the FDTD method
Analysis of the Characteristics of a Coaxial Gyrotron Cavity With a Tilted Inner Rod
Characteristics Analysis of a Coaxial Cavity With a Misaligned Inner Rod
Study of a rectangular coupled cavity extended interaction oscillator in SUb-terahertz waves
Surface plasmon wave propagation along single metal wire
Twcbeam magnetron injection guns for coaxial gyrotron with two electron beams
Diffraction radiation of a subwavelength hole array with dielectric
medium loading