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『簡體書』半导体数据手册 第2册

書城自編碼: 2394396
作者: 马德朗 (Otfried Madelung)
國際書號(ISBN): 9787560345147
出版社: 哈尔滨工业大学出版社
出版日期: 2014-03-01

頁數/字數: 396/
書度/開本: 大16开

售價:HK$ 410.8



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《Springer手册精选原版系列:半导体数据手册(上册 第2册)》是包含了几乎所有的半导体材料实验数据的参考书,适用对象包括材料、微电子学、电子科学与技术等专业的本科生和研究生,以及从事半导体研究的专业人员。本手册内容包括:四面体键元素及其化合物特性的实验数据(B);III、V、VI族元素特性的实验数据(C);各族元素的二元化合物特性的实验数据(D);各族元素的三元化合物特性的实验数据(E);硼、过渡金属和稀土化合物半导体特性的实验数据(F);以及相关材料的晶体结构、电学特性、晶格属性、传输特性、光学特性、杂质和缺陷等内容。
A Introduction
General remarks to the structure of this volume
2 Physical quantities tabulated in this volume
B Tetrahedrally bonded elements and pounds
1 Elements of the IVth group and IV-IV pounds
1.0 Crystal structure and electronic structure
1.1 Diamond C
1.2 Silicon Si
1.3 Gcrmanium Ge
1.4 Grey tin a-Sn
1.5 Silicon carbide SiC
1.6 Silicon germanium mixed crystals SixGe 1-x
2 III-V pounds
2.0 Crystal structure and electronic structure
2.1 Boron nitride BN
2.2 Boron phosphide BP
2.3 Boron arsenide BAs
2.4 Boron antimonide BSb
2.5 AluminumnitrideAIN
2.6 Aluminum phosphide AIP
2.7 Aluminumarsenide AIAs
2.8 Aluminum antimonide AISb
2.9 Gallium nitride GaN
2.10 Gallium phosphide GaP
2.11 Gallium arsenide GaAs
2.12 Gallium antimonide GaSb
2.13 Indium nitride InN
2.14 Indiumphosphide InP
2.15 Indium arsenide InAs
2.16 Indium antimonide InSb
2.17 Ternary alloys lattice matched to binary III-V pounds
2.18 Quaternary alloys lattice matched to binary III-V pounds
3 II-VI pounds
3.0 Crystal structure and electronic structure
3.1 Beryllium oxide Be0
3.2 Beryllium sulfide BeS
3.3 Beryllium selenide BeSe
3.4 Beryllium telluride BeTe
3.5 Magnesium oxide Mg0
3.6 Magnesium sulfide MgS
3.7 Magnesium selenide MgSe
3.8 Magnesium telluride MgTe
3.9 Calcium oxide Ca0
3.10 Strontium oxide Sr0
3.11 Barium oxide Ba0
3.12 Zinc oxide Zn0
3.13 Zinc sulfide ZnS
3.14 Zinc selenide ZnSe
3.15 Zinc telluride ZnTe
3.16 Cadmium oxide Cd0
3.17 Cadmium sulfide CdS
3.18 Cadmium selenide CdSe
3.19 Cadmium telluride CdTe
3.20 Mercury oxide Hg0
3.21 Mercury sulfide HgS
3.22 Mercury selenide HgSe
3.23 Mercury telluride HgTe
4 I-VII pounds
4.0 Crystal structure and electronic structure
4.1 Cuprous fluoride CuF
4.2 Cuprous chloride -{-CuCl
4.3 Cuprous bromide y-CuBr
4.4 Cuprous iodide γ-Cul
4.5 Silver fluoride AgF.,
4.6 Silver chloride AgCl
4.7 Silver bromide AgBr
4.8 Silver iodide Agl
5 Ⅲ2-Ⅵ3 pounds
6 Ⅰ-Ⅲ-Ⅵ2 poundsincluded are I-Fe-VI2 pounds
7 Ⅱ-Ⅳ-Ⅴ2 pounds
8 12-Ⅳ-Ⅵ3 pounds
9 13-Ⅴ-Ⅵ4 pounds



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