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書城自編碼: 3006292
作者: 邵籼盛 谢和平著
國際書號(ISBN): 9787504763266
出版社: 中国财富出版社
出版日期: 2017-03-01
版次: 1 印次: 1
頁數/字數: 288/226
書度/開本: 16开 釘裝: 平装

售價:HK$ 89.9



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邵籼盛 宁波淦淼投资股份有限公司董事局主席。邵籼盛老师从小修行,为非常著名的心灵导师。其学说、心识为广大企业家、修身养性之士所折服,其弟子散播各地,在东南亚,特别是印度尼西亚负有盛名。邵籼盛老师所倡导的抱团给国家取暖的理念体现出其一切为众生的主体思想。 谢和平 宁波广西商会 执行会长宁波吉安商会副会长
大学生创业同盟 发起人
宁波维纳诗节能科技有限公司 董事长
宁波淦淼智能科技有限公司 董事长
谢和平老师曾在政府事业单位任职,2002年开始成立企业,自主创业。谢和平老师的创业经历包括经营外贸公司,网络公司,科研机构等。谢和平老师在十几年的企业经营实践中获得了丰富的职业管理经验和人生体验。邵籼盛 宁波淦淼投资股份有限公司董事局主席。邵籼盛老师从小修行,为非常著名的心灵导师。其学说、心识为广大企业家、修身养性之士所折服,其弟子散播各地,在东南亚,特别是印度尼西亚负有盛名。邵籼盛老师所倡导的抱团给国家取暖的理念体现出其一切为众生的主体思想。谢和平宁波广西商会 执行会长 宁波吉安商会副会长
大学生创业同盟 发起人
宁波维纳诗节能科技有限公司 董事长
宁波淦淼智能科技有限公司 董事长
目 录
第一章 安心心不释然 事不安然001
第一节不烦恼烦恼的根本是心太计较 003
第二节不纠结爱纠结容易错失幸福 011
第三节 假象委屈的受害者假象 017
第四节真相愤怒、怨恨的真相 025
第五节值得安心放不下、舍不得、不得安心 031
第二章 心态改变心态就能改变命运037
第一节心源万病自心源 039
第二节精力充沛不抱怨,做事才能精力充沛 045
第三节平常心平常心成就家和万事兴 051
第四节幸福眉间放一字宽即是幸福 057
第三章 心境品圣贤故事,悟豁达心境063
第一节静心老子的清静无为之心 065
第二节了悟庄子鼓盆而歌的了悟 073
第三节境界孔子从心所欲不逾矩的境界 079
第四节悟道阳明龙场悟道的历程 088
第五节顺心驻足当下,静待花开 097
第四章 炼心磨炼心态是成功的必修课103
第一节方向静下心,看清前方的路 105
第二节微笑笑看风云的人不会输 113
第三节塑造好心态塑造和谐的人际关系 121
第四节信念执着信念让人全神贯注 131
第五节财富不过是平和心态的副产品 140
第五章 觉心内心觉察与自我成长147
第一节识心最难了解的是自己的心 149
第二节潜意识学会与自己的潜意识对话 155
第三节接纳坦然接受不完美的自己 161
第四节缘由洞悉让心不安的缘由 167
第五节内观与负面情绪友好相处 173
第六节修心言语、行走与修心 179
第七节合一让身体与心连接成为习惯 185
第六章 好习惯拥有好心态的习惯让你受益无穷191
第一节气场强大气场的激发器 193
第二节潜能专注心念的潜能 199
第三节谦卑心谦卑之心造就非凡 205
第四节感恩越感恩越幸运 211
第五节真谛心想事成的真谛 217
第七章 心和人人都能做到心平气和225
第一节一念痛苦喜悦只在一念之间 227
第二节转心人人皆可境随心转 233
第三节精彩精彩人生是磨炼出来的 240
第四节纯净 世界一如你心境般纯净 248
一、心态 259
二、心念 263
三、自信心 265
四、立志 269
五、感恩 271
六、养成好心态 273
目 录
Chapter 1 Peace of MindIf our mind feels not relieved, we won''t be at ease 001Section INo AnnoyanceThe root of annoyance is excessive concern 007Section IINo BewildermentBewilderment easily makes usmiss happiness 014Section IIIIllusionWronged illusion of a victim 021Section IVTruthTruth of anger and resentment 028Section V Feeling RelievedReluctant to let go, leave and feel at ease 034Chapter 2 MentalityChange mindset tochange fate 037Section IHeart is the SourceHeart is the source of all diseases 042Section IIFull of EnergyNo complaining makes us full of energy 048Section IIIPeace of MindPeace of mind brings harmonyand wealth 054Section IVHappinessForgiveness is happiness 060Chapter 3State of MindGet enlightened and inspired from stories about sages and men of virtue 063Section IMeditationPeaceful and quiet mind of Lao Zi 069Section IIEnlightenmentZhuang Zi enlightened to sing while beating a clay pot 076Section IIIRealmThe realm of Confucius following the heart but never going beyond the rule 083Section IVEnlightenmentThe experience of Yangming gettingenlightened at Longchang 092Section VFollow the HeartWait quietly for the flowers to blossom 100Chapter 4Mind ExerciseHoning of our mentality is arequired course to success 103Section IDirectionCalm down to see the road ahead clearly 109Section IISmileThose who can smile at changes will not lose 117Section IIIShapingGood mindset can shape harmonious interpersonalrelationship 126Section IVFaithPersistence in faith makes us concentrated 135Section VWealthNo more than a by-product of a peaceful mindset 143Chapter 5ConsciousnessInner perceptionand selfgrowth 147Section IUnderstand OurselvesIt''s most difficult to understand our own mind 152Section IISub-consciousnessLearn to dialogue with our ownsub-consciousness 158Section IIIAcceptanceCalmly accept the imperfect ourselves 164Section IVReasonsFind out the reasons why you feel stressed 170Section VIntrospectionGet along well with negative emotions 176Section VICultivation of SpiritSpeech, walking and cultivationof spirit 182Section VIIUnificationDevelop a habit by unifying our body and mind 188Chapter 6Good HabitOwning a good mindset and habitwill bring you limitless benefits 191Section IMental AuraActuator for a strong mental aura 196Section IIPotentialFocus on the potential of mentality 202Section IIIModestyModesty makes us outstanding 208Section IVThanksgivingThe more thankful, the luckier 214Section VTruthThe truth for all wishes to come true 221Chapter 7Harmonious MindEveryone cankeep calm 225Section IA Momentary SlipBitterness and joy are a momentary slip 230Section IIFollow the HeartEveryone can change the environment following their heart 236Section IIISplendidnessA splendid life is honed 244Section IVPurityThe world is as pure as your spirit 252Quotes of Mind Practice 257 I. Mindset 261II. Mentality 264III. Confidence 267IV. Ambition 270V. Thanksgiving 272VI. Developing Good Mindset 274
序 言从前,一座深山里有一个山洞,洞很深,只有少许阳光能够照入洞中。洞的最里边,有一些被绑住身体且头也无法转动的人,他们从一出生就只能看见洞壁,而无法看到洞外的景色。洞壁和洞口之间有一条小道,有人拿着道具从这条小道走过,少许的阳光就会照到这些道具上,从而在洞壁上投下了阴影。有人牵着一匹马走过小道,那些被绑住身体不能转头的人,就会从洞壁上看到马的影子,从而认为洞壁上的那个影子就是真实的马。有一天,一个偶然的机会,其中一个被绑住身体的人,转过头来,看到从小道上走过的马,他非常惊讶,以为自己看到的马是假的。直到他不断观察这匹马,才发现他以前看到的马的影子是不真实的。如果他沿着光线走出洞穴,看到广阔的世界以及普照大地的太阳,他就会惊讶自己过去对世界的认知是多么的荒诞。这就是柏拉图著名的洞穴比喻。我们认为那些一辈子被绑在洞穴里不能动,把洞壁上的影子当作真实动物的人很可怜,其实我们何尝不是这样呢?幸福生活是每个人都追求的目标,但只有少数人获得了幸福。没得到幸福的人就经常抱怨,自己付出了这么多努力却得到这么少,生活对自己太不公平了。一个人烦恼、生气、抱怨、不开心,充满了负能量,是因为没有好的心态,心不灵活。心不灵活,渐渐固化,那么,烦恼就会不断堆积成灾,人就无法自拔。人们常说把心打开,打开心了方能接纳万物,方能获得自由,自己方能成长。心灵的成长是个复杂的过程,这涉及塑造健康的人格,树立正确的价值观,建立良好的人际关系和社会关系,直到最后,认知自我、社会与宇宙的关系,洞悉心灵与宇宙共同的法则。所以,人生所遇到的许多风风雨雨,其实就是对心灵的训练,探索心灵之道;就是学习如何面对困境、追求幸福、获取财富、赢得荣誉的过程,从最深层面认知自我,让心灵排除外物束缚,使心神宁静,从而一次次超越自我。这时候,蒙昧的人也就走出了洞穴。心的自由并非凡人不可企及,那种境界,是我们每个人都可以达到的、豁达的生命状态。重要的是,你要相信自己经过历练,一定能够拥有自由平和的心境。圣人之道,吾性自足,不假外求。让我们带着这样的自信,开始心道探索之旅吧邵籼盛 2017年2月20日
ForewordLong ago, there was a deep cave in a mountain, which was so deep that it only allowed in a little sunshine. At the innermost of the cave,there were some people whose body was bound and head could not turn. From their birth, they could only see the wall of the cave, but could not see any scenery outside the cave.There was a path between the wall and the entrance of the cave. If someone holding some props walked along the path,and a little sunshine shined on these props, a shadow would be cast on the wall. If someone leading a horse walked along the path,The bound people would see a shadow of the horse on the wall. Not being able to look around, they believed that the shadow they saw on the wall was a real horse.One day, by accident, one of the bound persons turned his head to see the horse walking along the path. He was very surprised, thinking that the horse he saw was an unreal one. He had not realized that what he had seen previously was a shadow rather than a real horse until he observed the horse again and again. If he walked out of the cave following the light and saw the vast world and the sunshine, he would be surprised to realize that his cognition of the world in the past was so absurd.This is the famous cave metaphor of Plato. We thought that those bound people were very pitiful who had taken the shadow on the wall as a real animal. In fact, aren''t we in the same situation as they are?A happy life is a goal pursued by everyone, but only a few of us can gain happiness. Those who have gained happiness would often complain that they have obtained so little after making so many efforts and the life is too unfair to them. A person feels annoyed, angry and unhappy and is full of negative energy, because he did not have a good mentality and his mind is not flexible. As a result, annoyance accumulates to cause a disaster, from which he cannot get away. We often suggest others to open their mind, because only an opened mind can accept all things, can gain freedom and grow.The growth of our mind is a complex process, which involves creating a health personality, establishing correct values and building good interpersonal and social relationships and finally understanding the relationship between ourselves, the society and the universe and the common laws of the mind and the society. Therefore, the hardships encountered in our maturing processes are in fact training for our mind. In exploring the path to our mind, we are learning how to face predicaments, pursue happiness, acquire wealth and win honors, thereby understanding ourselves at a deepest level, freeing our mind from external constraints, calming down our mind and surpassing ourselves again and again. At this time, the ignorant people have gone out of the cave.The freedom of mind is not unreachable to the ordinary people. That realm is a generous life state which can be achieved by everyone. What''s important is that you must believe that after experience and toughening, you will certainly own a free and peaceful mental state."The Tao of sages can be attained with my own mind without resorting to any external strength." With such a confidence, let''s begin our exploration into the Tao of our mind...Shao Xiansheng2017.2.20

苏格拉底是古希腊历史上一个伟大的哲学家,闻名于世的不但有他的哲学思想,还有他的气度。据说苏格拉底的妻子是个悍妇,她心胸狭窄,喜欢唠叨不休,动辄破口大骂。有一次,苏格拉底正在与学生们讨论学术问题,互相争论的时候,他的妻子跑了过来,指着苏格拉底破口大骂,然后提着一桶水,往苏格拉底身上泼了过去。在场的学生都以为苏格拉底会怒斥妻子一顿,没想到他只是拿了块布,擦了下衣服上的水,风趣地说道:我就知道,打雷之后总是会下雨的。苏格拉底以幽默化解了妻子对他的伤害。一个没有强大心灵的人,是做不到尊严受到伤害的情况下还能保持幽默的。苏格拉底有个学生叫柏拉图,是古希腊历史上最伟大的哲学家之一,他不但继承了老师的智慧,也保持了老师的心胸和度量。有一天,一个叫戴奥真尼斯的讽刺哲学家来拜访柏拉图。他想侮辱一下柏拉图,让柏拉图难堪。他光着脚,脚上沾满泥巴,在柏拉图钟爱的地毯上走来走去,并说道:我正在践踏柏拉图引以为荣耀的东西。他以为柏拉图会生气,没想到柏拉图不但没生气,反而悠悠地说道:这倒是真的,可是我得到了更大的荣耀。以上故事说的都是人在受到伤害的时候所具有的反应,或自嘲、或沉默,但这两个人都有个共同点,他们都没有反击他人,哪怕是言语上的攻击。一个内心不够强大的人是无法做出这种宽容、幽默的举动的。当自己的尊严受到侵犯的时候,如果第一时间做出反击,也许觉得这是为了维护尊严所爆发的勇气。其实,这个时候应该反思一下,自己感到被别人伤害尊严,是自己真的被伤害了,还是由于自己内心不够强大,而误以为别人伤害了自己?对于一个内心强大的人, 没有什么可以伤害到他的尊严,他也不会对别人产生怨恨和妒忌。



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