native language,but not yet Chinese. Moreimportantly,in this book,Ms. Wu introducesauthentic vocabularies and expressions. Those whohave international experiences understands perfectlythe importance of authenticity. How can we evenput our trust on someone who speaks in a weirdway? This book is one of the rare that teaches youhow to talk about dental issues as a native speaker.In this sense,I hope this book is the fi rst of manyfor her as she perhaps looks to further assist bothChinese speakers a
I want to fi rst of all congratulate Ms. Wu Xuanfor her exceptional work in writing an Englishtext book for Chinese medical professionals. Ihighly recommend this book for dental nurses asit will greatly enhance the experience of Englishspeakersin Chinese dental facilities. This firstbook of its kind in China,will ensure that Chinesedental providers properly communicate withEnglish-speaking patients so that they know whatto expect and what is required of them. As manypeople are very concerned about undergoing dentalprocedures,a smooth communication betweenprovider and patient will help alleviate unnecessaryfears.As an international traveller myself,and,asone who has been involved in health care services,both personally and professionally,I greatlyappreciate what Ms. Wu has accomplished with thisbook. She has shown great leadership in addressingthe unknowns and uncertainties,and unnecessaryfears caused by these uncertainties,and bridgedthe gap between Chinese medical providers andnon-Chinese speaking patients. Diseases do notdiscriminate foreigners from locals,as languagesometimes does. It is thus crucial that the patientscould describe hisher feelings accurately to healthproviders,via a mutually understandable language.After all,how could it be possible for doctors andnurses to provide accurate treatment without evenunderstanding accurately the needs and symptomsof the patient? Language,in this sense,is ofparamount importance in communications betweenpatients and health providers.Luckily,Ms. Wu believes also in what Ibelieve:a smooth communication,which isthe bases of accurate health service,requiresauthenticity of vocabularies and expressions ina commonly understandable language. Ms. Wuhas wisely chosen English,as many foreignersin China speak English,in addition to their own 本书读者对象为口腔临床护理人员、在校学生、护理科研管理人员以及有需求的其他读者。随着口腔专科护理工作在国内的飞速发展以及涉外业务的增加,普及英语会话已成为当务之急。口腔临床护理人员迫切需要一本符合目前口腔护士工作内容的会话书籍,但目前国内尚无专门为口腔执业护士编写的临床英语会话工具书。为此,我们根据口腔临床护理工作实践编写了这本《实用口腔护士英语》。本书根据口腔门诊常见疾病或症状分章布节,包括接诊病人、治疗、卫生宣教、术后随访等内容,详尽地列举了护士工作中与患者之间的沟通对话。语言言简意赅,符合西方国家的口语表达习惯,易于护士理解、掌握。同时,作者在书中还附上了大量口腔护理领域内的重要词汇以及口腔解剖基本词汇。全书就每一章节的内容给出关键词,常用句型、常见对话等内容逐一展开。编写中注重示范举例,同一例句提供多种表达方式。本书可作为口腔护士的英语学习教材、工具书,是一本实用性很强的书籍。本书在编写过程中得到了领导和护理同仁的大力支持和帮助,在此表示感谢!由于编写人员水平有限,本书内容难免有不当或遗漏之处,诚请各位读者批评指正。