2013 年9 月和10 月,习近平主席先后提出了共建丝绸之路经济带和21世纪海上丝绸之路的宏伟构想,这一构想跨越时空,赋予了古老的丝绸之路以崭新的时代内涵,得到了国际社会的高度关注。一带一路倡议是涵盖几十亿人口、惠及60 多个国家的重大决策,是统筹国内国际两个大局、顺应地区和全球合作潮流、契合沿线国家和地区发展需要的宏伟构想,是促进沿线各国加强合作、共克时艰、共谋发展的伟大倡议,具有深刻的时代背景和深远的历史意义。
一带一路倡议提出以来,引起了世界各国的广泛共鸣,共商、共建、共享的和平发展、共同发展理念不胫而走,沿线60 多个国家响应参与,将一带一路倡议与他们各自的发展战略积极对接,为打造利益共同体、责任共同体和人类命运共同体这个终极目标共同努力。
I was very pleased and honored to suggest guidelines for The Belt and Road Industrial CivilizationIran . Iran is a country with an ancient civilization; it is an intersection and an important partner in The Belt and Road. In recent years, China and Iran had fruitful exchanges and cooperation in political, economic and cultural. The Belt and Road coincided with Iran s plan of rebuilding the Silk Road , and gaineda positive momentum. Similarly, Iran s rich resources, great potential, geopolitical status, and regional influence in Western Asia and the Persian Gulf region, can be a trusted partner for China.
Iranian industry is dominated onoil extraction, as well as refining, steel, electricity, textiles, automotive manufacturing, machinery manufacturing, food processing, building materials, carpets, household appliances, chemicals,
metallurgy, paper, cement, and sugar, but the foundation is relatively weak,
with most industrial raw materials and spare parts dependent on imports. In
the era of industrial civilization, it is the industrial capacity of this country
that determines the destiny of the country, and the industrial capability is the
modern manufacturing industry. In order to better help industrial enterprises
competitive advantage of the Iranian market, understand the Iranian national
basic situation, industrial development process, industrial project investment
process, and incentive policies and so on. This book is the first detail and
comprehensive book to introduce Iran s industrial development, industrial
characteristics, resources, energy and so on, andintroduce its economy,
industry, transportation, infrastructure, energy, key industries and other
content, exploring its industrial, industrial development status and opportunities.
By digging deeply into the industrial civilization of the Iranian state, this book
focuses on the rise and development of Iran s industrial civilization, expounds
the industrial development layout of the Iranian government, and probes into the
further development of its modern industry.
With this book enlightenment, it is believed that it will assist to the leaders
of enterprises who interested in going out for investment, but also to provide
objective and rational policy advice for the relevant government management
Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Iran in China-Beijing
Commercial Counselor