2021 年,中国共产党成立 100 周年。100 年披荆斩棘,100 年风雨兼程,中国人民在中国共产党的领导下,用鲜血、汗水、泪水写就光辉历程,向着中华民族伟大复兴的中国梦胜利前进。每一个中国普通家庭的岁月变迁,正是中国日新月异变化的缩影,也是一代又一代中国共产党人同中国人民接续奋斗的见证。这里记录了一些重要的历史片段。在这些片段里流淌着的,是我们的记忆、爸爸妈妈的记忆、爷爷奶奶的记忆,也是几代中国共产党党员共同的记忆。The year 2021 marks the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Com- munist Party of China CPC. Over these years, the Chinese people, under the leadership of the CPC, have undergone all kinds of hardship, but now are walking on the road to a brighter future. On this road, every ordinary fami- ly in China has been struggling against many vicissitudes towards the goal of happiness the CPC has set for the country. Their struggle on the whole has brought great changes in China. This is also a life story featuring every Chinese and as part of the history of the CPC and its pioneering members. Their lives form a proud mosaic of collective memories created first by our grandparents and then our parents. They are also individual memories of all the CPC members for generations.