1.小箱子a little box
3.黄雀和刺猬bullfinch and hedgehog
4.狼和小羊wolf and lamb
5.驴子the ass
6.金卢布a gold piece
7.青蛙们想要一个国王the frogs ask for a king
8.狮子和豹lion and leopard
9.兽类的瘟疫the plague of the beasts
10.一只桶a cask
11.小溪the brook
12.蜻蜓和蚂蚁gadfly and ant
13.梭子鱼和猫pike and cat
14.小乌鸦the raven chick
15.富翁和鞋匠rich man and cobbler
16.不幸的农夫the peasant in distress
18.猫和厨子cat and cook
19.悔过的狐狸the penitent fox
21.鹰和蜘蛛eagle and spider
22.鹰和鼹鼠eagle and mole
23.四重奏a quartette
24.狼和狐狸wolf and fox
25.山姆的外套sammy’s coat
26.隐士和熊hermit and bear
27.参观者the sightseer
28.农民和河the peasants and the river
29.仁慈的狐狸the kind fox
30.野兽会议beasts in council
31.照莺和鸽子bullfinch and pigeon
32.石头和小虫子stone and worm
33.乌鸦和狐狸crow and fox
34.挑剔的老姑娘the dainty spinster
33.路人和猎狗wayfarers and hounds
36.野兔打猎the hare a-hunting
37.驴子和夜莺ass and nightingale
38.狼和它的孩子wolf and his cub
39.花the flowers
40.马和骑师horse and rider
41.狗、人、猫和鹰dog, man, cat and hawk
42.受到宠爱的大象the elephant in favour
43.好运来访fortune on a visit
44.猎人the sportsman
45.驴子和乡下人ass and rustic
46.蛇和农夫snake and master will
47.网中的熊mike in the net
48.老鼠会议mice in council
49.两只狗two dogs
50.跳舞的鱼fishes dancing
51.狼和羊wolves and sheep
52.橡树和芦苇oak and reed
53.小树林和火grove and fire
54.鹰和蜜蜂eagle and bee
55.大车队a train of carts
56.天鹅、梭子鱼和虾swan,pike and crab
57.狮子、羚羊和狐狸lion,chamois and fox
58.贫苦的富人the poor rich man
59.狮子和狐狸lion and fox
60.狐狸和驴子fox and ass
61.苍蝇和蜜蜂fly and bee
62.农夫和狗peasant and dog
65.大象和巴儿狗elephant and pug
66.老人和三个花花公子the old man and the three young dandies
67.转笼上的松鼠squirrel on his wheel
69.猫和夜莺cat and nightingale
70.母鹿和苦修僧人the doe and the dervish
71.在蜂房中的熊mike among the hives
72.命运女神和乞丐fortune and the beggar
73.牧羊人桑迪shepherd sandy
74.狼和老鼠wolf and mouse
75.来自另外一个教区from the next parish
76.主妇和她的两个女佣mistress and her two maids
77.三个乡下人the three townies
78.两个乡下人two countrymen
80.商人the merchant
81.造谣中伤者和蛇slanderer and snake
82.两只桶two casks
83.蛇和小羊snake and lamb
84.狮王的床king lion’s bed
85.猫头鹰和驴子owl and donkey
86.军刀the sabre blade
87.瀑布和温泉waterfall and brook
88.梳子a comb
89.小猫和八哥kitten and starling
91.贪心人和母鸡the miser and the hen
92.杜鹃和鹰cuckoo and eagle
93.大炮和船帆cannon and sails
94.农夫和狐狸peasant and fox
95.狗和马dog and horse