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『英文書』Josefina Story Quilt, The何塞菲娜故事录(I Can Read,Level 3)ISBN9780064441292

書城自編碼: 2416276
作者: Coerr, Eleanor 著
國際書號(ISBN): 9780064441292
出版社: HarperCollins
出版日期: 1989-04-04
版次: 1 印次: 1
頁數/字數: 64/
書度/開本: 32开 釘裝: 平装

售價:HK$ 57.8



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California, here we come Faith''s Pa says there''s no room on a
wagon train for Josefina, a chicken who''s too tough to eat and too
old to lay eggs. But Faith loves her pet. Can Josefina show Pa that
she still has a few surprises left in her?
Eleanor Coerr née Page May 29, 1922 – November 22, 2010
was a Canadian-born American writer of children''s books, including
Sadako and the Thousand Paper Cranes.
She was born in Kamsack, Saskatchewan, Canada, and raised in
Saskatoon. As a child, she liked to think up and read new stories.
Through her best friend in high school, who was born to Japanese
immigrants, Coerr developed an interest in calligraphy, Japanese
food, and origami. She was exposed to Japanese scenery and told her
that she wished to visit Japan one day, a request which Coerr
fulfilled during the writing of Sadako and the Thousand Paper
She attended the University of Saskatchewan, later transferring
to the Kadel Airbrush School. She earned a bachelor''s degree in
English from American University, and a master''s degree in library
science from the University of Maryland. After graduation, Coerr
worked as a newspaper reporter and editor of a children''s column.
She taught children''s literature at Monterey Peninsula College and
creative writing at Chapman College in California.
She was married to Wymberly De Renne Coerr 1913–1996 from 1965
until his death from Parkinson''s Disease in 1996. He was a career
diplomat, and she traveled with him to a number of countries,
including foreign posts in Japan, Taiwan, Thailand, Philippines,
and Brazil.Coerr both wrote and illustrated her first book in 1945,
although she did not begin to publish her work until the 1970s. Her
later work included children''s books, philanthropy, and giving
lectures at American universities and overseas.[3] After Wymberly''s
death, she became more reclusive and stayed at private residences
in Pebble Beach, California and Henderson, Nevada.
Coerr died on November 22, 2010 at the age of 88. Both she and
Wymberly were cremated.
Bruce Degen born June 14, 1945 is a children''s literature
author and illustrator, with over forty books to his credit.
He is probably best known as the illustrator of The Magic School
Bus series of books, by Joanna Cole. He has collaborated with Nancy
White Charstrom on the popular Jesse Bear books, and the Commander
Toad series by Jane Yolen. Degen has authored Jamberry, Daddy Is a
Doodlebug, and Shirley''s Wonderful Baby.
He was encouraged by an elementary school teacher to become an
illustrator, and pursue his primary love for art found in
children’s books. Humor is one of his key values, as expressed by a
quote comparing children''s illustration to traditional fine arts:
"You don''t see many people walking around a gallery are chuckling.
And I realized that I wanted a chuckle."
His career has included such diverse activities as advertising
design, teaching art to students, teaching children''s book
illustration to adults, painting scenery for opera productions, and
running a lithography studio in Israel. Mr. Degen currently lives
in Connecticut.



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