CHAPTER 1 交际畅聊 Communication
Unit 1 初次见面 Meeting for the First Time
1.1 介绍 Introduction
1.2 寒暄 Greetings
Unit 2 相邀聚会 Invitations
2.1 邀请 Making Invitations
2.2 回应 Response to Invitations
Unit 3 畅谈天地 Free Talk
3.1 兴趣爱好 Hobbies
3.2 学习工作 Studies and Jobs
Unit 4 社交辞令 Social Communication
4.1 感谢 Gratitude
4.2 道歉 Apologies
4.3 祝贺 Congratulations
4.4 祝福 Wishes
Unit 5 告别 Farewell
5.1 日常告别 Saying Goodbye
5.2 外出告别 Leaving for Journeys
CHAPTER 2 情感态度 Emotions and Attitudes
Unit 1 情感表达 Expressing Emotions
1.1 喜悦 Happiness
1.2 愤怒 Anger
1.3 哀伤 Sorrow
1.4 恐惧 Fear
1.5 惊奇 Surprise
1.6 紧张 Tension
1.7 失望 Disappointment
Unit 2 观点态度 Attitudes
2.1 赞美 Praises
2.2 抱怨 Complaints
2.3 责备 Blames
2.4 拒绝 Refusals
2.5 告诫 Warnings
2.6 安慰 Comforts
2.7 鼓励 Encouragements
CHAPTER 3 爱情婚姻 Love and Marriage
Unit 1 恋爱 In a Relationship
1.1 暗恋 Unrequited Love
1.2 表白 Love Confessions
1.3 拒绝 Refusals
1.4 分手 Breaking Up
1.5 和好 Making Up
Unit 2 婚姻 In a Marriage
2.1 求婚 Proposal
2.2 结婚 Getting Married
2.3 外遇 Affairs
2.4 离婚 Divorce
CHAPTER 4 家庭琐事 Family Affairs
Unit 1 衣 Clothes
1.1 试衣服 Trying On Clothes
1.2 买衣服 Purchasing Clothes
1.3 洗衣服 Doing Laundry
1.4 搭配衣服 Clothes Match
Unit 2 食 Food
2.1 做饭 Cooking
2.2 吃饭 Eating
Unit 3 住 House
3.1 买房 Purchasing a House
3.2 租房 Renting a House
3.3 搬家 Moving
Unit 4 行 Traffic
4.1 问路 Asking for Directions
4.2 交通堵塞 Traffic Jam
CHAPTER 5 休闲生活 Recreation
Unit 1 购物 Shopping
1.1 选购商品 Choosing
1.2 讨价还价 Bargaining
1.3 付款包装 Packing
1.4 售后服务 After-sale Service
Unit 2 娱乐 Entertainment
2.1 读书看报 Reading
2.2 看电影 Movies
2.3 滑雪 Skiing
2.4 看演唱会 Concert
2.5 酒吧 Bar
2.6 K歌 KTV
Unit 3 美容美发 Beauty Salon
3.1 美容 Cosmetology
3.2 美发 Hairdressing
Unit 4 旅游 Tour
4.1 自助游 Do-it-yourself Tour
4.2 跟团游 Package Tour
Unit 5 外出就餐 Eating Out
5.1 预订 Reservation
5.2 点餐 Ordering
5.3 外卖 Take-out
5.4 结账 Paying Bills
5.5 打包 Doggy Bags
CHAPTER 6 职场交际 Business Life
Unit 1 求职面试 Job Hunting
1.1 招聘咨询 Inquiry
1.2 面试 Interview
1.3 入职培训 Orientation
Unit 2 工作百态 At Work
2.1 人际交往 Interaction
2.2 办公自动化 Office automoncal
Unit 3 请假休假 Taking Some Time Off
3.1 请假 Leave
3.2 休假 Vacation
Unit 4 升职加薪 Promotion and Raise
4.1 升职 Promotion
4.2 加薪 A Raise in Pay
Unit 5 解雇辞职 Umemployment
5.1 解雇 Dismissal
5.2 辞职 Resignation
CHAPTER 7 商贸往来 Business and Trade
Unit 1 商贸关系 Business Relations
1.1 建立贸易关系 Business Establishing
1.2 询盘和报盘 Inquiry and Offer
1.3 议价与还盘 Counter-Offer
1.4 佣金与代理 Commission and Agent
1.5 订货与签约 Ordering and Signing Contract
1.6 付款与交货 Payment and Delivery
1.7 包装与运输 Packing and Shipment
Unit 2 商务社交 Business Communication
2.1 办公电话 Telephones
2.2 来宾接待 Receiving Guests
2.3 日程安排 Arrangements
2.4 工作会议 Meetings
CHAPTER 8 青春校园 School Life
Unit 3 课程学习 Study
1.1 上课 Classes
1.2 考试 Exams
1.3 作业 Assignments
1.4 图书馆 Library
Unit 2 宿舍生活 In the Dorm
2.1 值日 Cleaning
2.2 上网 Surfing the Internet
Unit 3 课外活动 Extracurricular Activities
3.1 学校社团 College Association
3.2 兼职工作 Part-time Jobs
CHAPTER 9 节日风俗 Festival and Custom
Unit 1 中国传统节日 Chinese Traditional Festivals
1.1 春节 The Spring Festival
1.2 清明节 Tomb-Sweeping Day
1.3 端午节 Dragon Boat Festival
1.4 中秋节 Mid-Autumn Day
Unit 2 西方节日 Western Festivals
2.1 圣诞节 Christmas
2.2 情人节 Valentine ’s Day
2.3 万圣节前夜 Halloween
2.4 复活节 Easter
Unit 3 生日 Birthday
3.1 生日礼物 Birthday Gifts
3.2 生日派对 Birthday Party
CHAPTER 10 出行在外 Travelling
Unit 1 乘飞机 Airplane
1.1 机舱服务 Inflight Service
1.2 晕机 Airsickness
Unit 2 坐出租车 Taxi
2.1 叫出租车 Hailing a Taxi
2.2 指路 Directions
2.3 到达 Arrival
Unit 3 坐轮船 Ship
3.1 买票 Purchasing Tickets
3.2 闲聊 Chatting
Unit 4 坐火车 Train
4.1 购票 Buying Tickets
4.2 在火车上 On the train
Unit 5 地铁 Subway
5.1 询问 Inquiries
5.2 在地铁上 On the Subway
CHAPTER 11 警察执勤 Police
Unit 1 治安维护 Maintaining Security
1.1 失踪儿童 Missing Children
1.2 抢劫调查 Robbery Investigation
Unit 2 交通维护 Maintaining Traffic
2.1 道路执法 Traffic Control
2.2 车祸调查 Accident Investigation
CHAPTER 12 周到服务 Service
Unit 1 在邮局 At Post Office
1.1 寄信 Mailing Letters
1.2 寄包裹 Mailing Packages
Unit 2 在宾馆 In Hotel
2.1 前台服务 At the Receptionist
2.2 客房服务 Room Service
Unit 3 银行业务 At the Bank
3.1 咨询 Consultations
3.2 开户 Open an Account
3.3 存款与取款 Withdrawl and Deposit
3.4 贷款 Loans
CHAPTER 13 人生大事 Life Events
Unit 1 生 Birth
1.1 怀孕 Pregnancy
1.2 出生 Nativity
Unit 2 老 Aging
2.1 退休 Retirement
2.2 子女和家庭 Children and Family
Unit 3 病 Sickness
3.1 在医院 At the Hospital
3.2 描述病情 Describing Conditions
3.3 诊断 Diagnosis
Unit 4 死 Death
4.1 去世 Passing Away
4.2 吊唁 Condolence
CHAPTER 1 交际畅聊 Communication
Unit 1 初次见面 Meeting for the First Time
1.1 介绍 Introduction
你叫什么名字?What’s your name?
A: What’s your name?你叫什么名字?
B: My name is Johnny.我叫约翰尼。
你是哪国人?Where do you come from?
☆同义句:Where are you from?
A: Where do you come from?你是哪国人?
B: I’m from China.我来自中国。
我的国籍是…… My nationality is...
A: Are you Japanese?你是日本人吗?
B: I was born in Japan, but now I have French nationality.
★单词攻关:nationality[ n...''n.l.ti] n. 国籍
你现在住在哪里?Where do you live now?
A: Where do you live now, Mr. David?你现在住在哪里呢,戴维先生?
B: I live in Nairobi at the moment.我现在住在内罗毕。
◎Tip: 内罗毕(Nairobi)是非洲国家肯尼亚(Kenya)的首都。
你是家里的独子吗?Are you the only child in your family?
A: Are you the only child in your family?你是家里的独子吗?
B: No, I have 2 older sisters.不是,我有两个姐姐。
你有兄弟姐妹吗?Do you have any siblings?
A: Do you have any siblings?你有兄弟姐妹吗?
B: I have a younger twin brother.我有一个双胞胎弟弟。
★单词攻关:sibiling[''sibli.] n. 父母相同的兄弟姊妹
1.2 寒暄 Greetings
你好。How do you do?
☆同义句:How are you?
A: How do you do?你好。
B: How do you do?你好。
很高兴认识你。Nice to meet you.
A: My name is Lily.我叫莉莉。
B: I’m Jack. Nice to meet you, Lily.我叫杰克。很高兴认识你,莉莉。
◎Tip:完整的句子应该是“It’s nice to meet you”,不过一般情况下人们都喜欢简单地说“Nice to
meet you”。
你最近怎么样啊?How are you doing recently?
A: How are you doing recently, Jane?你最近怎么样啊,简?
B: I’m doing great!非常好!
★单词攻关:recently[''risntli] adv.最近地
见到你真是太好了。You are a sight of sore eyes.
A: Hi, Daniel.你好,丹尼尔。
B: You are a sight of sore eyes.见到你真是太好了。
◎Tip:a sight of sore
一切都顺利吗?Is everything going well?
☆同义句:Is everything fineOK?
A: Is everything going well, Jane?一切都顺利吗,简?
B: Same as ever.还是老样子。
什么风把你吹来了?What brings you here?
A: What brings you here?什么风把你吹来了?
B: I missed you.我想你了。
太巧了!What a coincidence!
☆同义句:What are the odds!
A: What a coincidence!太巧了!
B: Yeah! I didn’t expect to see you here.是啊!我都没想到会在这里碰见你。
★单词攻关:coincidence[k.u''insid.ns] n.巧合
好久不见!Long time no see!
☆同义句:I haven’t seen you for some time.
A: Peter, long time no see!彼得,好久不见了!
B: Yeah, long time.是啊,很长时间没见了。
◎Tip: long time no
没想到会在这里碰见你!Fancy seeing you here!
☆同义句:Small world. 世界真小。
A: Linda! What a surprise!琳达!太让人惊喜了!
B: Tom, fancy seeing you here.汤姆,没想到会在这里碰见你。
最近忙不忙?Are you busy these days?
A: Are you busy these days?最近忙不忙?
B: Work drives me nuts!工作都快把我逼疯了!
◎Tip: drive somebody nuts是一个词组,意思是“把某人逼疯了”。比如:Her constant
complaint drives me nuts. 她不停的抱 怨都把我逼疯了。
你最近都忙些什么呢?What have you been up to?
A: What have you been up to?你最近都忙些什么呢?
B: I’m busy with my assignments.我忙着写作业呢。
你可真是稀客。You are really a rare visitor.
☆同义句:I rarelyseldom see you.我很少碰见你。
A: You are really a rare visitor.你可真是稀客。
B: I’ve been working on a big project.我最近一直在忙一个大项目。
★单词攻关:rare[r..] adj.稀少的,稀有的
你的妻子怎么样?How is your wife?
A: Mike, how is your wife?迈克,你的妻子怎么样?
B: She is fine, thanks.她很好,谢谢。
◎Tip:“How is...”就是“……怎么样”的意思,比如例句中的“How is your
wife”是“你妻子怎么样”,也可以说“How is your work(工作怎么样)”,“How is
Unit 2 相邀聚会 Invitations
2.1 做出邀请 Making Invitations
你能来参加……吗?Will you come to…?
A: Will you come to my birthday party?你会来参加我的生日派对吗?
B: Sure! When?当然!什么时候?
★单词攻关:birthday[''b.:θdei] n. 生日。相关词组包括:birthday
cake(生日蛋糕),birthday wish(生日愿望),birthday gift(生日礼物)等。
要不要和我们一起去?How about going with us?
A: How about going with us?要不要和我们一起去?
B: To the zoo?去动物园?
咱们去……吧。Let’s go…
A: Let’s go to the exhibition.咱们去参观展览吧。
B: What exhibition?什么展览?
★单词攻关:exhibition[ eksi''bi..n] n.展览
你想加入吗?Would you like to join us?
A: We are going shopping now. Would you like to join
B: Fantastic!太棒了!
★单词攻关:fantastic[f.n''t.stik] adj.极好的,奇异的
你想不想和我一起去看电影?Would you like to watch a movie with me?
☆同义句:Would you like to go to the cinema with
Let’s go
catch a movie.☆咱们去看场电影吧。
A: Would you like to watch a movie with me?你想不想和我一起去看电影?
B: Cool!好!
我想邀请你去…… I would like to invite you to…
A: I would like to invite you to golf.我想邀请你去打高尔夫。
B: I’m afraid I can’t today.今天恐怕我去不了。
★单词攻关:invite[in''vait] v.邀请
golf[g.lf] n.高尔夫
你周末有时间吗?Are you free this weekend?
A: Are you free this weekend?你周末有时间吗?
B: Why do you ask?为什么这么问?
★单词攻关:free[fri] adj.自由的。这个词另外的一个意思是免费的。
2.2 回应邀请 Response to Invitations
这是个好主意。That’s a good idea.
A: How about having some tea with us?和我们一起喝杯茶吧,如何?
B: That’s a good idea.这是个好主意。
★单词攻关:idea[ai''di.] n.主意
我很忙。I’m tied up.
☆同义句:I’m busy.
A: Hey George, let’s go for a drink.嘿,乔治,一起去喝一杯吧。
B: Sorry dude, I’m tied up. Next time.不好意思伙计,我很忙。下次吧。
到目前为止还没有打算。Up till now, I don’t have a plan.
A: Are you free today?你今天有空吗?
B: Up till now, I don’t have a plan.到目前为止还没有打算。
◎Tip: up till now 是固定说法,意思是“到目前为止”,还可以说so far。
抱歉我不能去。I’m sorry I can’t.
A: Would you like to go to theatre with me this
B: I’m sorry I can’t.抱歉我不能去。
★单词攻关:theatre[''θi.t.] n.剧院
再找时间吧。Let’s do it another time.
A: Do you want to go shopping this afternoon?你下午想去逛街吗?
B: I’m busy right now. Let’s do it another
改天吧。Rain check.
A: How about a cup of coffee?一起去喝杯咖啡吧?
B: Rain check.改天吧。
我另有打算了。I have got other plans.
A: Are you free this weekend?这个周末你有空吗?
B: Sorry, I have got other plans.不好意思,我另有打算了。
非常愿意。I’d love to.
☆同义句:I’d like to.
A: Will you go to the cinema with me after work?
B: I’d love to.非常愿意。
Unit 3 畅谈天地 Free Talk
3.1 兴趣爱好 Hobbies
你的爱好是什么?What are your hobbies?
A: What are your hobbies?你的爱好是什么?
B: I like playing online games.我喜欢玩网络游戏。
★单词攻关:hobby[''] n.爱好,兴趣
你对什么感兴趣?What are your interests?
A: What are your interests?你对什么感兴趣?
B: I’m interested in gardening.我对园艺感兴趣。
★单词攻关:interest[''] n.兴趣
你空闲的时候喜欢做什么?What do you like to do in your free time?
☆同义句:How do you spend your leisure time?
A: What do you like to do in your free time?你空闲的时候喜欢做什么?
B: I spend one hour singing every day.我每天都花一个小时唱歌。
你的业余时间怎么度过?How do you spend your spare time?
☆同义句:What do you do when you are not working?你不工作的时候都做些什么?
A: How do you spend your spare time?你的业余时间怎么度过?
B: I like travelling.我喜欢旅行。
★单词攻关:travelling☆[''] n.旅行
你喜欢什么样的体育运动?What kind of sports do you like?
A: What kind of sports do you like?你喜欢什么样的体育运动?
B: I enjoy swimming.我喜欢游泳。
你喜欢看什么类型的电影?Which type of movie do you like?
A: Which type of movie do you like?你喜欢看什么类型的电影?
B: Detective movies.侦探电影。
★单词攻关:detective[di''tektiv] n.侦探
你打棒球吗?Do you play baseball?
A: Do you play baseball?你打棒球吗?
B: No, I just like to watch.不打,我只是喜欢看。
★单词攻关:baseball[''beis b.:l] n.棒球
你练过瑜伽吗?Have you ever done yoga?
A: Have you ever done yoga?你练过瑜伽吗?
B: Never.从来没有。
★单词攻关:yoga[''j..g.] n.瑜伽