概述Introduction 001
Part 1
Nationwide body-building and be physically strong
全民健身 强健体魄
一、日渐勃兴的全民体育 Increasingly flourish nationwide sports 008
二、广泛开展的职工体育 Widely developing staff sports 010
1. 简单易学的广播体操 Easily learned gymnastics by radio 010
2. 全国工人运动会 National workers’ sports meeting 012
三、朝气蓬勃的学校体育 Spirited and vigorous school sports 014
1. 运动竞赛选拔后备力量 Select reserve force through competition 016
2. 城运会更名为青运会 Change from city-games of PRC to National Youth Games 017
四、欢乐和谐的农村体育 Joyful and harmonious rural sports 019
五、挑战潜能的伤残人体育 Challenging the potential:the disabled sports 021
六、颐养天年的老年体育 Keeping healthy:the senior citizen sports 025
七、保家卫国的军队体育 Defending our motherland:military sports 027
八、活泼有趣的少数民族体育 Lively and interesting minority nationality sports 029
九、源远流长的中华武术 Time-honored Chinese martial arts 033
十、绚丽多彩的民间体育 Colorful folk sports 036
1. 龙舟竞渡 Dragon boats competition 036
2. 放风筝 Kite-flying 040
3. 棋类活动 Chess games 042
4. 拔河 Tug-of-war 045
5. 响箭 Whistling arrow 046
6. 赛马 Horse racing 047
7. 跳板 Seesaw jumping 049
8. 舞龙舞狮 Dragon and lion dances 050
9. 荡秋千 Play on a swing 052
10. 跳皮筋 Rubber band skipping 053
11. 自行车运动 Cycling 054
Part 2
To carry on the past and endeavor to move forward and open a way for future
继往开来 砥砺奋进
Milestone of New China’s sports:1st National Games of PRC 058
Tremendous achievement:2nd National Games of PRC 061
Taiwan compatriots’ first time participation:3rd National Games of PRC 063
四、继往开来新“长征” ——第四届全运会
To carry on the past and start a new Long March:4th National Games of PRC 065