ā阿另见ē1.加在姓?名或排行前构成爱称:阿郑A Zheng阿莲A Lian阿大A Da 2.家庭成员间的爱称:阿爸Pa; Daddy阿妈Ma; Mom; Mummy阿哥elder brother阿妹little sister【阿波罗】Apollo the Greek and Roman god of the sun【阿爹】[方]dad; granddad on father’s side【阿斗】1.刘禅的小名Ah Dou; A Dou:阿斗是蜀汉后主刘禅的小名?A Dou is the infant name of Liu Shan, the last emperor of Shu Han.2.fool, simpleton, idiot, blockhead; weakling; disappointing person: 他简直是个扶不起来的阿斗?He is simply hopeless. ★用法与辨析simpleton和idiot指智力严重缺陷的人;weakling, weak-kneed指软弱?优柔寡断的人; blockhead指智力迟钝?总是听不懂或误解别人意思的大笨蛋?【阿尔巴尼亚】the Republic of Albania; ALB[奥运会用]:阿尔巴尼亚人阿尔巴尼亚的;阿尔巴尼亚语Albanian【阿尔及利亚】the Democratic People’s Republic of Algeria; ALG[奥运会用]:阿尔及利亚人阿尔及利亚的;阿尔及利亚语 Algerian【阿飞】a young street rowdy in bizarre clothing; hooligan; Teddy boy, Teddy girl:那帮阿飞从火车上纷纷下来,警察早已在那儿等着他们了? The police were waiting for the hooligans as they piled out of the train. ★用法与辨析表示“阿飞”,hooligan恶劣程度较严重,属于流氓之类;Teddy boy和Teddy girl在程度上次之,主要指不良青少年; hippie, beatnik, bohemian, drop out,则指嬉皮士一类社会逆反青年?【阿富汗】the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan; AFG[奥运会用]:阿富汗人阿富汗的;阿富汗语Afghan【阿根廷】Argentina the Argentine Republicthe Republic of Argentina;ARG[奥运会用]:阿根廷人Argentine【阿公】[方]grandpa; granddad【阿訇】[宗]ahung; imam【阿拉伯】ArabArabia:阿拉伯国家Arab States阿拉伯世界the Arab world; Arabdom 阿拉伯国家首脑会议the Arab Summit Conference阿拉伯半岛the Arabian Peninsula; Arabia阿拉伯人Arabian; Arab阿拉伯数字Arabic numerals阿拉伯语Arabic阿拉伯字母Arabic alphabet【阿联酋】阿拉伯联合酋长国the United Arab Emirates; UAE[奥运会用]【阿曼】the Sultanate of Oman; OMA[奥运会用]:阿曼人阿曼的Omani【阿门】[宗]amen【阿盟】阿拉伯国家联盟the League of the Arab Statesthe Arab League LAS或AL【阿婆】[方]grandma; grandmother【阿Q】Ah Q:阿Q精神Ah Q-ism interpretation of defeats as moral victories 《阿Q正传》The True Story of Ah Q【阿塞拜疆】the Republic of Azerbaijan:阿塞拜疆人阿塞拜疆语Azerbaijani【阿姨】1.对母辈妇女的称呼 aunt; auntie; miss; madam:吉尔阿姨在我生日时总送给我礼物?Aunt Jill always remembers my birthday and sends me a card or present.2.对保育员或保姆的称呼 nurse maid; nurse in a family or kindergarten3.姨妈aunt; auntie ★用法与辨析aunt与人名连用时,首字母大写,如:玛丽阿姨Aunt Mary?auntie和aunty是aunt的昵称?啊1.表示惊讶:啊,她早上就走了? What, she left in the morning?2.表示赞美:啊,这个地方真美!Ah, what a beautiful place this is!3.表示同意:啊,我马上就去? All right, I’ll go straight away. 4.表示认识:啊,原来是你呀!Ah, so it’s you!【啊哈】表示惊喜:啊哈,我终于找到你了! Aha, I’ve found you at last!【啊呀】表示不满:啊呀,你怎么能干这种事呢?Oh, how could you do this?【啊哟】表示疼痛等:啊哟,疼死我了! Ouch! It hurts!啊哟,我的手表丢了!Oh, no, I’ve lost my watch!á啊要求再说一遍:啊,你说什么? Eh, what did you say? | Pardon?ǎ啊表示惊讶:啊!那是真的吗? What! Is that true?啊,那么你明天不去了? So you won’t go tomorrow, eh?āi哀1.悲痛sorrowful; grieved 2.悼念mourning 3.怜悯pity【哀兵必胜】An army burning with indignation is bound to win.| An army imbued with indignation tends to win the victory.【哀愁】I.sorrow:他满腹哀愁?He is full of sorrow. II.sad; sorrowful:哀愁的眼神the sad eyes哀愁的眼光sorrowful looks【哀辞】elegy【哀悼】I.grieve; lament; mourn:举国哀悼战争中的死难者?The whole nation grieved for its war dead.我们能听到妇女们哀悼死者的恸哭声?We could hear the sound of women lamenting over their dead.过了那么多年,她仍在哀悼他的死?She is still mourning his death after all these years. II.condolence; lament; mourning; sympathies:请允许我们和他的许多生前好友一起向其家属表示深切的哀悼?We beg to join many of his friends in tendering our heartfelt condolence to the relations of the bereaved.对于尊夫人的去世,谨向您表示最深切的哀悼?You have my deepest sympathies on the death of your wife.我们就她母亲的逝世向她表示哀悼?We condoled with her upon the loss of her mother. ★用法与辨析表示“哀悼”,grieve使用范围最广,表示内心极度的悲痛,如:The nation grieved for its war dead.举国上下哀悼战争死难者? mourn较为庄严,如:to mourn his mother’s death 哀悼他母亲的去世?该词也可能仅指仪式性的哀悼,如:to wear black as a symbol of mourning 穿黑色衣服以示哀悼?lament源自拉丁语,意谓号啕大哭或悲泣流泪?如:to lament her husband’s tragic death with uncontrolled seizures of hysterical weeping 以不能控制的阵阵痛泣哀悼她丈夫的不幸死亡?该词带有诗意?【哀而不伤】sorrow without self-injury:他哀而不伤?He sorrowed without self-injury.【哀告】supplicate; beg piteously: 向某人哀告,请求宽恕supplicate sb.’s forgiveness 向某人哀告,请求帮助supplicate sb. to help 他们不得不向别人哀告,乞求救济来养活自己的孩子?They had to beg piteously alms of others in order to feed their children. ★用法与辨析表示“哀告”,beg piteously较通俗,且有卑下意味,暗含不断纠缠可能给予帮助的人;supplicate指极诚恳地请求帮助,常用于宗教方面?【哀歌】funeral song; funeral lament; mournful song; dirge; elegy:边哭边唱的爱尔兰哀歌Irish funeral song accompanied by wailing【哀号】wail; cry piteously; ululate; yowl:她扑在亡夫的尸体上大声哀号?She wailed over her dead husband’s body.因猫的整夜哀号而无法入睡keep awake by cats yowling all night ★用法与辨析cry指哭着表示悲哀或痛苦,强调发出声音,有时也表示无声地流泪,多用于口语,cry piteously可与介词for连用,表示“因…而哀号表示原因”或“为…而哀号表示目的”;wail表示“号啕大哭,痛哭”,甚至表示尖利的啸叫声,如:the unmistakable wail of a siren清楚无疑的警报尖啸声 Their eviction was marked by much weeping and wailing and gnashing of teeth.他们遭受驱逐,因而悲泣哀号,咬牙切齿?【哀嚎】wail mournfully; lament loudly【哀鸿遍野】Famished refugees warmed over the land.| Disaster victims were moaning everywhere.【哀怜】I.pity; pitiful; pathetic; pitiable:我妹妹总是为那些流浪猫狗感到哀怜?My sister always takes pity on some stray cat or dog.见他堕落成那样,令人哀怜?It is pitiful to see him degraded like that.求助的哀怜呼号pathetic cries for help令人哀怜的不幸pitiable misery II.pity; pathos:哈姆雷特之死使人产生的哀怜the pathos of Hamlet’s death【哀鸣】I.whine; sigh:那只狗对着门呜呜哀鸣,要求放它出去?The dog whined at the door, asking to be let out. II.plaintive cry ★用法与辨析表示“哀鸣”,whine多用于动物,sigh指风等发出的声音?whine用于人时,指因不满个人境遇而表示抱怨?【哀莫大于心死】There is no grief greater than the death of the mind.Nothing gives so much cause for sorrow as the death of one’s heart.