Chapter 01
日常问候 Common Greetings
001特定时段的问候方式 _ Greetings
for different times of day
早上好。Good morning.∕Morning. INFORMAL
中午好。Good afternoon.
你好。Good day. BRITISH
晚安。Good evening.∕Evening! INFORMAL
起床!Rise and shine! INFORMAL ★叫醒熟睡的人时使用
A Rise and shine, sweetheart.
B Good morning. What time is it?
A Its half past noon. You should probably
be saying good afternoon.
002任何时段均通用的问候方式 _ Simple
greetings for any time of day
你好。Hello.∕Hello, there.∕Hey. INFORMAL ∕Hiya. INFORMAL ∕Howdy. INFORMAL∕Sup. INFORMAL ★网络用语whats up的缩略语∕Yo. INFORMAL ∕Hallo. INFORMAL ∕Dude. MALE ∕Sister. FEMALE∕Aloha. INFORMAL ★夏威夷的问候方式
过得还不错吧?How are you?∕Whats up? INFORMAL ∕Whaddup? INFORMAL
您好,向您问安。Greetings and salutations. FORMAL
A Howdy, my friend!
B Whats up?
003节日和纪念日的问候方式 _ Holiday
圣诞快乐!Merry Christmas!
节日快乐!Happy holidays!
向您致以节日的问候!Seasons greetings! ★圣诞节前后通用的问候语
新年快乐!Happy New Year!
母亲节快乐!Happy Mothers Day!
感恩节快乐!Happy Thanksgiving!
复活节快乐!Happy Easter!
不给糖就捣蛋。Trick or treat! ★万圣节时孩子们向大人们讨要糖果时的用语
情人节快乐!Happy Valentines Day!
A Ho ho ho! Merry Christmas to my little
B Is it time to open the presents yet?
004分别时的问候方式 _ Saying
再见。Good-bye.∕Bye-bye. INFORMAL∕Good night.∕Have a good night! ★晚上分别时的用语∕So long.∕Farewell. FORMAL
下次见。See you.∕See you later.∕Catch you later. INFORMAL∕See you around.∕Til the next
time.∕Talk to you later. ★这句用语的缩略形式Ttyl原为网络用语,近来也常用于日常会话中
后会有期。Ill be seeing you.
照顾好自己。Take it easy.∕Take care.∕Keep it real.
A All right, I should go before it gets too
late. Thanks for dinner!
B Youre welcome. Have a good night!
005突发紧急情况需先行离开时 _ Saying
goodbye when you have urgent business
对不起,我得走了。Sorry, gotta go. INFORMAL
非常抱歉,我不得不先走一步了。Youll have to excuse me.
出了点状况。Somethings come up.
我会再联系你的。Ill call you later.
A Somethings come up. I have to run to the
B Here, take an apple in case you get
006要求对方联络时 _ Asking to
keep in touch
保持联络。Keep in touch. ∕Drop me a line.
别忘了我,别疏远了。Dont be a stranger.
加我的微信。Add me on WeChat. CURRENT
记得关注我的微博。Follow me on microblog. CURRENT
A Well, its been good chatting.
B We should definitely keep in touch. Ill
add your WeChat.
Tip母亲节 vs. 父亲节
在美国,每年5月的第二个星期日是母亲节 Mothers Day。孩子们会在那天邀请妈妈一起共进母亲节早午餐 Mothers Day Brunches,并送上巧克力和鲜花。每年6月的第三个星期日是父亲节 Fathers Day,不过鲜少有人会像庆祝母亲节那般庆祝父亲节。
Chapter 01
熟人之间的问候When Meeting Someone You Know
007久别重逢时 _ Greeting
someone you havent seen for a long time
好久不见。Long time no see!/I havent seen you in ages!/Its been a long time./Its been a while since we met.
你看起来气色不错。Youre looking great.
我们有多久没见了?How long has it been?
我很想你。Ive missed you. INFORMAL
你还是那么年轻啊!You havent aged a day!
A I havent seen you in ages!
B Robert, my man! Youre looking great.
008询问近况时 _ Asking how
someone is doing
你过得怎么样?How are you?/How are you doing?/Hows everything?/Hows it going?/How goes it?/How are you getting along?/Hows it
hanging? INFORMAL
近来可好?Whats up? INFORMAL /So whats new?/Whats up with you?/Whats happening? INFORMAL /Whats cracking? INFORMAL /Whats clicking? /Whats in the bag? IDIOM
最近过得如何?How have you been?/Hows it been?/What have you been up to?
工作如何?Hows business?
A Ned! How have you been?
B Not too shabby. Yourself? ★Not too
shabby和Not too bad意思相同
009回答过得不错时 _ Saying how
you have been doing positive answers
过得不错。Good./Im fine./Things are good./Things are looking up./Im having a ball. IDIOM /Im chipper.
BRITISH /Ive been blessed. RELIGIOUS
过得非常好!Really wonderful./Its all good./Fabulous!/Great!/Its cool. INFORMAL/Splendid! BRITISH
过得挺忙的。Ive been keeping myself busy.
过得好极了。Couldnt be better./I cant complain./Couldnt ask for more./Im on top of the world. IDIOM
A Benjamin! Its been a while. How are you
B Splendid. Im a father now and Im having
a ball!
010回答过得不好时 _ Saying how
you have been doing negative answers
过得不怎么样。Not doing so well./Not too good./Not so great./Not very well./Not too hot./Crappy. SLANG
辛苦啊。Things are tough./Its been rough.
心情不太好。Ive been under the weather. IDIOM
别问了。Dont ask.
你应该不会想知道。You dont want to know.
不要提了。Dont get me started. INFORMAL
A Jill, are you okay? You dont look so
B Its been rough. My boyfriend left me.