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書城自編碼: 2979052
作者: [俄] 屠格涅夫 著 纪飞 编译
國際書號(ISBN): 9787302418139
出版社: 清华大学出版社
出版日期: 2017-05-01
版次: 1 印次: 1
頁數/字數: 156/220000
書度/開本: 16开 釘裝: 平装

售價:HK$ 42.8



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本书是名著双语读物中文导读 英文原版系列丛书中的一种,编写本系列丛书的另一个主要目的就是为准备参加英语国家留学考试的学生提供学习素材。对于留学考试,无论是SSAT、SAT还是TOEFL、GRE,要取得好的成绩,就必须了解西方的社会、历史、文化、生活等方面的背景知识,而阅读西方原版名著是了解这些知识*重要的手段之一。
伊凡谢尔盖耶维奇屠格涅夫(Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev,18181883),俄国著名作家、诗人和剧作家,是享有世界声誉的现实主义艺术大师。

Chapter 1. 1
Chapter 2. 12
3. 26
4. 40
5. 50
6. 60
7. 78
8. 90
Chapter 9. 99
10. 108
11. 115
12. 126
Epilogue. 139
前言伊凡谢尔盖耶维奇屠格涅夫(Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev,18181883),俄国著名作家、诗人和剧作家,是享有世界声誉的现实主义艺术大师。1818年11月9日,屠格涅夫出生在俄国奥廖尔省一个世袭的贵族之家。他的父亲是一个骑兵团团长,母亲是农场主,屠格涅夫16岁的时候父亲去世。1833年,15岁的屠格涅夫进入莫斯科大学文学系学习,一年后转入彼得堡大学哲学系学习文学与哲学。大学毕业后,他留学德国柏林大学攻读哲学、历史和希腊与拉丁文。在德国学习期间,屠格涅夫见到了更加现代化的社会制度,他主张俄国学习西方,废除包括农奴制在内的封建制度,因此被视为欧化的知识分子。屠格涅夫的创作生涯始于大学求学期间。1834年,他发表了处女作诗剧《斯杰诺》,该作品带有鲜明的浪漫主义色彩。1843年,他与导师合作出版了叙事诗《巴拉莎》,该作品受到俄国著名哲学家、文学评论家别林斯基的好评,同时也标志着他的文学创作从浪漫主义转向现实主义。18471851年,他在俄国进步刊物《现代人》上发表其成名作《猎人笔记》。《猎人笔记》是一部故事集,包括25个短篇故事,以一个猎人在狩猎时所写的随笔形式呈现。《猎人笔记》揭露农奴主的残暴、描写了农奴的悲惨生活,该作品反农奴制的倾向触怒了当局,当局借故把他拘留,后被流放近两年,流放期间他写了著名的反农奴制短篇小说《木木》。19世纪5070年代是屠格涅夫创作的旺盛时期,他陆续发表了长篇小说《罗亭》(1856)、《贵族之家》(1859)、《前夜》(1860)、《父与子》(1862)、《烟》(1867)、《处女地》(1859)。从19世纪60年代起,屠格涅夫大部分时间在西欧度过,在此期间他结交了欧洲许多著名的作家、艺术家,如左拉、莫泊桑、都德、龚古尔等。他参加了在巴黎举行的国际文学大会,并被选为副主席(主席为维克多雨果)。屠格涅夫对俄罗斯文学和欧洲文学的沟通交流起到了桥梁作用。屠格涅夫是一位有独特艺术风格的作家,他既擅长细腻的心理描写,又长于抒情。小说结构严整,情节紧凑,人物形象生动,尤其善于细致雕琢女性艺术形象,而他对大自然的描写也充满诗情画意。他的小说不仅迅速及时地反映了当时的俄国社会现实,而且善于通过生动的情节和恰当的言语、行动,通过对大自然情境交融的描述,塑造出许多栩栩如生的人物形象。他的语言简洁、朴质、精确、优美,为俄罗斯语言的规范化做出了重要贡献。在屠格涅夫的众多作品中,长篇小说《罗亭》《贵族之家》《前夜》《父与子》是他的代表作,与他的其他两篇小说《烟》《处女地》一起构成了俄国19世纪5070年代社会生活的艺术编年史。一个多世纪以来,《罗亭》《贵族之家》《前夜》《父与子》已被译成数十种文字,风靡全世界,时至今日,这部被世界公认的文学名著仍然散发着永恒的魅力。基于以上原因,我们决定编译《罗亭》《贵族之家》《前夜》《父与子》,并采用中文导读英文版的形式出版。在中文导读中,我们尽力使其贴近原作的精髓,也尽可能保留原作的故事主线。我们希望能够编出为当代中国读者所喜爱的经典读本。读者在阅读英文故事之前,可以先阅读中文导读内容,这样有利于了解故事背景,从而加快阅读速度。我们相信,该经典著作的引进对加强当代中国读者,特别是青少年读者的人文修养是非常有帮助的。本书是名著双语读物中文导读 英文原版系列丛书中的一种,编写本系列丛书的另一个主要目的就是为准备参加英语国家留学考试的学生提供学习素材。对于留学考试,无论是SSAT、SAT还是TOEFL、GRE,要取得好的成绩,就必须了解西方的社会、历史、文化、生活等方面的背景知识,而阅读西方原版名著是了解这些知识最重要的手段之一。本书的英文部分选自原著。原著有些词汇是老式的写法,现在的英汉词典大多已不再收录。为了忠实于原著,本次出版时以不修改为宜,望读者阅读时留意。本书中文导读内容由纪飞编写。参加本书故事素材搜集整理及编译工作的还有赵雪、刘乃亚、蔡红昌、王卉媛、陈起永、熊红华、熊建国、程来川、徐平国、龚桂平、付泽新、熊志勇、胡贝贝、李军、宋婷、张灵羚、张玉瑶、付建平、汪疆玮、乔暘等。限于我们的科学、人文素养和英语水平,书中难免会有不当之处,衷心希望读者朋友批评指正。啄木鸟教育(www.zmnedu.com) 2015年6月

第五章Chapter 5娜泰雅乍一看并不多么可爱,她还没有发育完全,身材瘦削,肤色浅黑。可是她有一张匀称、秀丽的脸,弯弯的眉黛和光洁的额头。她很少说话,可是感情强烈,总是深深地藏在心里。达尔娅时常说:我的娜泰雅很冷静,不像我这样倒好一些。她会是幸福的。然而,母亲通常都不了解女儿。当罗亭在长廊上遇见娜泰雅时,她刚刚和彭果小姐做完早课,打算去花园。我可以奉陪吗?罗亭摘下帽子问。娜泰雅脸微微一红。她和罗亭并肩走着,刚开始有些局促,不一会儿就觉得放松起来,但心依然跳得很厉害。今天,我和你的母亲谈了一个早上,罗亭说,她是一个了不起的人。让我们坐在这张长凳上吧我想,假如我们能更熟悉一些,我们能做个朋友,你怎么看?他把我当成女学生呢!娜泰雅想。她不知道该说什么好,便问他是否打算在乡间久住。是的,整个夏天和秋天,或者再加上冬天。我是一个可怜的人,所有的事情都很糟糕,从一个地方漂泊到另一个地方,现在该是休息的时 候了。可是娜泰雅怯生生地说,别人可以休息,您您却应该工作。除了您,还有谁能谢谢你对我的褒扬,罗亭打断了她的话,却失望地挥了挥手,显得十分忧郁。娜泰雅不禁想,昨晚她曾经听到的那些充满希望的话,真的是从眼前这个人口中说出来的吗?但随后,罗亭又将狮鬃般的头发往后一掠,说:你是对的,谢谢你,娜泰雅,我真心谢谢你。你的话让我想起了自己的责任是的,我要干,我不应该把精力浪费在空洞的说话上面。于是,他的话又如同川流般倾泻出来。最后,他又出其不意地握住娜泰雅的手说:您是高贵的!宽容的!这时,服令萨夫在远处出现了。他踌躇着,脸上带着忧愁的表情,远远地对娜泰雅说:你们在散步吗?是的,我们正好要回家去。娜泰雅回答说。罗亭也迎了上来,说:我在和娜泰雅谈话,她说的话让我非常感动。服令萨夫没有追问下去,他们在沉默中回到了达尔娅的屋子里。接下来的晚宴,服令萨夫的心始终是沉重的。他在很久以前就爱着娜泰雅,而她她对他很好可是没有动心。他清楚这一点,只是默默等待着。可是这两天,他是否留意到什么改变?娜泰雅还是和从前一样,但是服令萨夫告辞后,回到了姐姐的房间,列兹尧夫也坐在那儿。巴芙罗夫纳兴奋地对她的弟弟说:来,帮我说服这个固执的人,说罗亭是很有才干并且口齿伶俐的。我并不怀疑这一点,列兹尧夫说,我只是不喜欢他。我不想诽谤他,可是,谁知道!也许你应该答应和他重修旧好,然后继续了解他,巴芙罗夫纳说,她转向服令萨夫,问,你怎么这么一声不响?我有什么可说呢?我并不认识他,而且我头疼。服令萨夫回答道。接着,他就离开了。巴芙罗夫纳和列兹尧夫注视着服令萨夫的背影,一言不发,但他们俩都知道这位年轻人的心思。?arya Mihailovnas daughter, Natalya Alexyevna, at a first glance might fail to please. She had not yet had time to develop; she was thin, and dark, and stooped slightly. But her features were fine and regular, though too large for a girl of seventeen. Specially beautiful was her pure, smooth forehead above fine eyebrows, which seemed broken in the middle. She spoke little, but listened to others, and fixed her eyes on them as though she were forming her own conclusions. She would often stand with listless hands, motionless and deep in thought; her face at such moments showed that her mind was at work within.... A scarcely perceptible smile would suddenly appear on her lips and vanish again; then she would slowly raise her large dark eyes. Qua-vez-vous? Mlle, Boncourt would ask her, and then she would begin to scold her, saying that it was improper for a young girl to be absorbed and to appear absent-minded. But Natalya was not absent-minded; on the contrary, she studied diligently; she read and worked eagerly. Her feelings were strong and deep, but reserved; even as a child she seldom cried, and now she seldom even sighed and only grew slightly pale when anything distressed her. Her mother considered her a sensible, good sort of girl, calling her in a joke mon honnete homme de fille but had not a very high opinion of her intellectual abilities. My Natalya happily is cold, she used to say, not like meand it is better so. She will be happy. Darya Mihailovna was mistaken. But few mothers understand their daughters.Natalya loved Darya Mihailovna, but did not fully confide in her.You have nothing to hide from me, Darya Mihailovna said to her once, or else you would be very reserved about it; you are rather a close little thing.Natalya looked her mother in the face and thought, Why shouldnt I be reserved?When Rudin met her on the terrace she was just going indoors with Mlle, Boncourt to put on her hat and go out into the garden. Her morning occupations were over. Natalya was not treated as a school-girl now. Mlle, Boncourt had not given her lessons in mythology and geography for a long while; but Natalya had every morning to read historical books, travels, or other instructive works with her. Darya Mihailovna selected them, ostensibly on a special system of her own. In reality she simply gave Natalya everything which the French bookseller forwarded her from Petersburg, except, of course, the novels of Dumas Fils and Co. These novels Darya Mihailovna read herself. Mlle, Boncourt looked specially severely and sourly through her spectacles when Natalya was reading historical books; according to the old French ladys ideas all history was filled with impermissible things, though for some reason or other of all the great men of antiquity she herself knew only oneCambyses, and of modern timesLouis XIV. and Napoleon, whom she could not endure. But Natalya read books too, the existence of which Mlle, Boncourt did not suspect; she knew all Pushkin by heart.Natalya flushed slightly at meeting Rudin.Are you going for a walk? he asked her.Yes. We are going into the garden.May I come with you?Natalya looked at Mlle, BoncourtMais certainement, monsieur; avec plaisir, said the old lady promptly.Rudin took his hat and walked with them.Natalya at first felt some awkwardness in walking side by side with Rudin on the same little path; afterwards she felt more at ease. He began to question her about her occupations and how she liked the country. She replied not without timidity, but without that hasty bashfulness which is so often taken for modesty. Her heart was beating.You are not bored in the country? asked Rudin, taking her in with a sidelong glance.How can one be bored in the country? I am very glad we are here. I am very happy here.You are happythat is a great word. However, one can understood it; you are young.Rudin pronounced this last phrase rather strangely; either he envied Natalya or he was sorry for her.Yes! youth! he continued, the whole aim of science is to reach consciously what is bestowed on youth for nothing.Natalya looked attentively at Rudin; she did not understand him.I have been talking all this morning with your mother, he went on; she is an extraordinary woman. I understand why all our poets sought her friendship. Are you fond of poetry? he added, after a pause.He is putting me through an examination, thought Natalya, and aloud: Yes, I am very fond of it.Poetry is the language of the gods. I love poems myself. But poetry is not only in poems; it is diffused everywhere, it is around us. Look at those trees, that sky on all sides there is the breath of beauty, and of life, and where there is life and beauty, there is poetry also.Let us sit down here on this bench, he added. Hereso. I somehow fancy that when you are more used to me and he looked her in the face with a smile we shall be friends, you and I. What do you think?He treats me like a school-girl, Natalya reflected again, and, not knowing what to say, she asked him whether he intended to remain long in the country.All the summer and autumn, and perhaps the winter too. I am a very poor man, you know; my affairs are in confusion, and, besides, I am tired now of wandering from place to place. The time has come to rest.Natalya was surprised.Is it possible you feel that it is time for you to rest? she asked him timidly.Rudin turned so as to face Natalya.What do you mean by that?I mean, she replied in some embarrassment, that others may rest; but you... you ought to work, to try to be useful. Who, if not youI thank you for your flattering opinion, Rudin interrupted her. To be useful... it is easy to say! He passed his hand over his face. To be useful! he repeated. Even if I had any firm conviction, how could I be useful?even if I had faith in my own powers, where is one to find true, sympathetic souls?And Rudin waved his hand so hopelessly, and let his head sink so gloomily, that Natalya involuntarily asked herself, were those really histhose enthusiastic words full of the breath of hope, she had heard the evening before.But no, he said, suddenly tossing back his lion-like mane, that is all folly, and you are right. I thank you, Natalya Alexyevna, I thank you truly. Natalya absolutely did not know what he was thanking her for. Your single phrase has recalled to me my duty, has pointed out to me my path.... Yes, I must act. I must not bury my talent, if I have any; I must not squander my powers on talk aloneempty, profitless talkon mere words, and his words flowed in a stream. He spoke nobly, ardently, convincingly, of the sin of cowardice and indolence, of the necessity of action. He lavished reproaches on himself, maintained that to discuss beforehand what you mean to do is as unwise as to prick with a pin the swelling fruit, that it is only a vain waste of strength and sap. He declared that there was no noble idea which would not gain sympathy, that the only people who remained misunderstood were those who either did not know themselves what they wanted, or were not worthy to be understood. He spoke at length, and ended by once more thanking Natalya Alexyevna, and utterly unexpectedly pressed her hand, exclaiming. You are a noble, generous creature!This outburst horrified Mlle, Boncourt, who in spite of her forty years residence in Russia understood Russian with difficulty, and was only moved to admiration by the splendid rapidity and flow of words on Rudins lips. In her eyes, however, he was something of the nature of a virtuoso or artist; and from people of that kind, according to her notions, it was impossible to demand a strict adherence to propriety.She got up and drew her skirts with a jerk around her, observed to Natalya that it was time to go in, especially as M. Volinsoff so she spoke of Volintsev was to be there to lunch.And here he is, she added, looking up one of the avenues which led to the house, and in fact Volintsev appeared not far off.He came up with a hesitating step, greeted all of them from a distance, and with an expression of pain on his face he turned to Natalya and said:Oh, you are having a walk?Yes, answered Natalya, we were just going home.Ah! was Volintsevs reply. Well, let us go, and they all walked towards the house.How is your sister? Rudin inquired, in a specially cordial tone, of Volintsev. The evening before, too, he had been very gracious to him.Thank you; she is quite well. She will perhaps be here to-day.... I think you were discussing something when I came up?Yes; I have had a conversation with Natalya Alexyevna. She said one thing to me which affected me strongly.Volintsev did not ask what the one thing was, and in profound silence they all returned to Darya Mihailovnas house.Before dinner the party was again assembled in the drawing-room. Pigasov, however, did not come. Rudin was not at his best; he did nothing but press Pandalevsky to play Beethoven. Volintsev was silent and stared at the floor. Natalya did not leave her mothers side, and was at times lost in thought, and then bent over her work. Bassistoff did not take his eyes off Rudin, constantly on the alert for him to say something brilliant. About three hours were passed in this way rather monotonously. Alexandra Pavlovna did not come to dinner, and when they rose from table Volintsev at once ordered his carriage to be ready, and slipped away without saying good-bye to any one.His heart was heavy. He had long loved Natalya, and was repeatedly resolving to make her an offer.... She was kindly disposed to him,but her heart remained unmoved; he saw that clearly. He did not hope to inspire in her a tenderer sentiment, and was only waiting for the time when she should be perfectly at home with him and intimate with him. What could have disturbed him? what change had he noticed in these two days? Natalya had behaved to him exactly the same as before....Whether it was that some idea had come upon him that he perhaps did not know Natalyas character at allthat she was more a stranger to him than he had thought,or jealousy had begun to work in him, or he had some dim presentiment of ill... anyway, he suffered, though he tried to reason with himself.When he came in to his sisters room, Lezhnyov was sitting with her.Why have you come back so early? asked Alexandra Pavlovna.Oh! I was bored.Was Rudin there?Yes.Volintsev flung down his cap and sat down. Alexandra Pavlovna turned eagerly to him.Please, Serezha, help me to convince this obstinate man she signified Lezhnyov that Rudin is extraordinarily clever and eloquent.Volintsev muttered something.But I am not disputing at all with you, Lezhnyov began. I have no doubt of the cleverness and eloquence of Mr. Rudin; I only say that I dont like him.But have you seen him? inquired Volintsev.I saw him this morning at Darya Mihallovnas. You know he is her first favourite now. The time will come when she will part with himPandalevsky is the only man she will never part withbut now he is supreme. I saw him, to be sure! He was sitting there,and she showed me off to him, see, my good friend, what queer fish we have here! But I am not a prize horse, to be trotted out on show, so I took myself off.But how did you come to be there?About a boundary; but that was all nonsense; she simply wanted to have a look at my physiognomy. Shes a fine lady,thats explanation enough!His superiority is what offends youthats what it is! began Alexandra Pavlovna warmly, thats what you cant forgive. But I am convinced that besides his cleverness he must have an excellent heart as well. You should see his eyes when heOf purity exalted speaks, quoted Lezhnyov.You make me angry, and I shall cry. I am heartily sorry I did not go to Darya Mihailovnas, but stopped with you. You dont deserve it. Leave off teasing me, she added, in an appealing voice, You had much better tell me about his youth.Rudins youth?Yes, of course. Didnt you tell me you knew him well, and had known him a long time?Lezhnyov got up and walked up and down the room.Yes, he began, I do know him well. You want me to tell you about his youth? Very well. He was born in T, and was the son of a poor landowner, who died soon after. He was left alone with his mother. She was a very good woman, and she idolised him; she lived on nothing but oatmeal, and every penny she had she spent on him. He was educated in Moscow, first at the expense of some uncle, and afterwards, when he was grown up and fully fledged, at the expense of a rich prince whose favour he had courtedthere, I beg your pardon, I wont do it againwith whom he had made friends. Then he went to the university. At the university I got to know him and we became intimate friends. I will tell you about our life in those days some other time, I cant now. Then he went abroad....Lezhnyov continued to walk up and down the room; Alexandra Pavlovna followed him with her eyes.While he was abroad, he continued, Rudin wrote very rarely to his mother, and paid her altogether only one visit for ten days.... The old lady died without him, cared for by strangers; but up to her death she never took her eyes off his portrait. I went to see her when I was staying in T. She was a kind and hospitable woman; she always used to feast me on cherry jam. She loved her Mitya devotedly. People of the Petchorin type tell us that we always love those who are least capable of feeling love themselves; but its my idea that all mothers love their children especially when they are absent. Afterwards I met Rudin abroad. Then he was connected with a lady, one of our countrywomen, a bluestocking, no longer young, and plain, as a bluestocking is bound to be. He lived a good while with her, and at last threw her overor no, I beg pardon,she threw him over. It was then that I too threw him over. Thats all.Lezhnyov ceased speaking, passed his hand over his brow, and dropped into a chair as if he were exhausted.Do you know, Mihailo Mihailitch, began Alexandra Pavlovna, you are a spiteful person, I see; indeed you are no better than Pigasov. I am convinced that all you have told me is true, that you have not made up anything, and yet in what an unfavourable light you have put it all! The poor old mother, her devotion, her solitary death, and that ladyWhat does it all amount to? You know that its easy to put the life of the best of men in such coloursand without adding anything, observethat every one would be shocked! But that too is slander of a kind!Lezhnyov got up and again walked about the room.I did not want to shock you at all, Alexandra Pavlovna, he brought out at last, I am not given to slander. However, he added, after a moments thought, in reality there is a foundation of fact in what you said. I did not mean to slander Rudin; butwho knows! very likely he has had time to change since those daysvery possibly I am unjust to him.Ah! you see. So promise me that you will renew your acquaintance with him, and will get to know him thoroughly and then report your final opinion of him to me.As you please. But why are you so quiet, Sergei Pavlitch?Volintsev started and raised his head, as though he had just waked up.What can I say? I dont know him. Besides, my head aches to-day.Yes, you look rather pale this evening, remarked Alexandra Pavlovna; are you unwell?My head aches, repeated Volintsev, and he went away.Alexandra Pavlovna and Lezhnyov looked after him, and exchanged glances, though they said nothing. What was passing in Volintsevs heart was no mystery to either of them.??



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